My first trip to the range with my new CZ 75 Custom Shadow (CZC) was an epiphany for me and it honestly soured me on just about every other gun in my collection - it was that much better than everything I'd ever trained with. 10K rounds later, I followed it up with a tricked out Compact for concealed carry. Both have been outstanding go-to guns for me - joys to shoot and constant companions at the range or local competitions.
I've been kicking around finishing my CZ "shooters collection" with a 97B. Felt guilty because of how thrilled I was with my CZC but based on feedback on the forum, I finally called David today at Cajun. Amazing guy, great resource, wonderful example of all that is great about the CZ shooting community. He spent 30 minutes with me going over the options and we selected a 97B with both the E package, CGW rear sight and Copperhead treatment. This is probably going to be my last 45 and I wanted something special.
Now I just need to settle down and endure the 8-10 week wait. Very excited. Cheers, Matt