I've owned an SDP Compact in Krypton for quite some time now. Have over 1200rds thru it. Id say that if your P-01 was a sports car, the Sphinx is a hyper car. You're comparing a similar operating design with a completely different method of completion. First off, the fit and finish of a sphinx is similar to a dan Wesson vbob, except there is more attention to the tiny details. There is no chatter among any parts. Totally smooth. Tight. Now, the three part design that makes this gun almost totally different, is like this: tool steel slide mates to an aluminum or steel upper frame, while the lower frame comes in three material types: polymer, aluminum or steel. I decided on the aluminum because I hate polymer when they make you spend the money for it. Glocks are ok and the p07 is 'awesome' but the Sphinx is not something you buy with polymer. The all steel models have some pretty good heft to them, but maintain the alloy of choice for many Cadillac esq. handling of the weapon, but it shoots very nicely. And the aluminum frames like mine are really picked because I wanted something I could run around with at the steel range and still manage an iwb carry if I decided I didn't want to carry the compact 1911 that day. Similarly handling, good sights and seriously accurate in comparison to my Czs. And I'll be very honest, if you're gonna get the gun for shooting, it will hold up to just that. It takes a licking and still to date. Haven't had as much as one single hiccup. I can also say the same for my p-01 and compact d as well. This thing also has a full size grip but compact barrel and slide. 17+1. BUT, you cannot compare a street car to a track car without doing the work to the street car that makes it comprable. My .02.