The carry mags have all been loaded against a closed bolt - I carry the Scorpion "cruiser ready" with an empty chamber, loaded magazine. Yes, it is quite legal to carry the Scorp down here in AZ.

But thanks for pointing that out, and yes, I do like to amuse while educating/showing off.

As for SBR...not likely, too expensive. About the only thing I would consider doing now would be replacing the Thordsen's with a Shockwave Blade and folding joint, for easier carry in the bags I have ATM. I like loading with open bolt on video to show off the bolt release...the bolt release I hope someone redesigns into the BREN...hint hint, Manticore?
I have to say when I was training with rifles in the military, (M-14, BTW), I cannot remember ever loading to an open bolt. Always lock, load, aim, fire. BUT, that was a few years ago, so I might be mistaken.