I think I was active on that forum for about a minute and a half. I'll list the facts as I have personally seen them;
1) All guns are mechanical things and can fail.
2) I haven't had a CZ pistol break on me yet. ONly sort of CZ gun that broke was the firing pin on my wife's dearly departed vz-58 .223 rifle.
3) I've had 3 Glocks fail in front of me, one broken slide under the ejection port, one a mag release failure, and for the life of me I can't remember what happened with the first one many years ago. The broken slide was a rental gun with over 100,000 round through it, the other was a Department qualification sidearm with probably the same if not more rounds through it. It happens.
4) There was, according to what I've been told, a bad batch of slide releases back in the day, and there were several people who experienced slide lock breakage during competition. I haven't heard of it in many years. Not to say it doesn't happen again now and again, see Point 1.
5) I replaced the recoil spring in my P-01 at approximately 10,000 rounds. It showed signs of being very tired. I have spare springs for other pistols and rifles, but I haven't needed to replace anything yet. The CGW tuned P-09 just keeps ripping right along, and the bone stock Phantom is stone cold reliable. The wife's RAMI's and P-01 are still just fine, but they are fired MUCH less than mine.
6) Like I told the gentleman in the Scorpion forum who thought he had a bad CZ barrel, yes, we want to hear about problems, and how they are fixed, we like to hear how CZ-USA handles problems and makes things right. I don't bash any other platform or company, (with the NOTABLE exception of Century Arms International's drunken monkeys destroying perfectly good AK and CETME rifles!), and if something breaks, let's hear about it, like the Scorpion magazine issue. I wanted pics and personal experiences, and we got them. That is real, not rumor or "I heard from a buddy who knew this guy who knew this guy in Cleveland"...
7) I occasionally carry a Smith and Wesson Model 10-8 .38 Special revolver too, and that has also been dead dirt reliable.
I need another cup of coffee...