Author Topic: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase  (Read 3247 times)

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Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« on: July 10, 2016, 02:21:12 PM »
Well, I finally made a big bullet purchase (big for me anyway).   Never wanted to commit to one bullet in the past. 

I have settled on the following bullet as my "go to" bullet for IDPA and practice.  Ordered 3500 of the following:

Bayou Bullets 124 grain Truncated Cone Grooveless

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2016, 07:19:13 PM »
OUTSTANDING bullet.  My favorite 124gr coated.

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2016, 08:23:16 PM »
How long will that last?
I've seen some guys I shoot with that are likely using that bullet.

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2016, 08:35:11 PM »
They should work out well for you.  Good design.  Coated is a real plus.
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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2016, 08:43:50 PM »
How long will that last?
I've seen some guys I shoot with that are likely using that bullet.

1SOW, 3500 will probably last me about 6 months.  I try to shoot 200 rounds in a session, and try to shoot at least twice a month. 
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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2016, 09:05:22 PM »
That's a really great bullet.

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2016, 02:52:52 PM »
I've been pretty happy with coated bullets. I buy them 10k at a time every 6 months or so, but now that my wife started shooting last month, I think we're going to have to start buying in bulk.

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2016, 09:13:59 PM »
I have settled on the following bullet as my "go to" bullet.  Ordered 3500 of Bayou Bullets 124 grain

Big reloading party at Towns house this weekend !! Everybody come !!
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Offline m1a_scoutguy

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2016, 01:21:16 AM »
How long will that last?
I've seen some guys I shoot with that are likely using that bullet.

Hey guys a newbie here. I was just wondering about the "coated" bullets versus "plated" bullets. I have been shooting the Xtreme 124/135 plated bullets for years and have had great success with them. When I do the math most plated versus coated the price is very close, normally within a buck or two of each other with the plated normally being the less expensive. Is there a advantage to the coated versus the plated or is it the option of having different colors and such ? Sorry for the silly question but was just wondering. Thanks. :)

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2016, 08:13:34 AM »
Sorry for the silly question but was just wondering. Thanks. :)

There's no such thing as a "silly question" on this board.

It's all about what you might find that your gun likes to shoot. Try them and see if the price-performance is better than what you now shoot. That's really all anyone can say.

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Offline Towns

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2016, 11:18:52 AM »
I have settled on the following bullet as my "go to" bullet.  Ordered 3500 of Bayou Bullets 124 grain

Big reloading party at Towns house this weekend !! Everybody come !!

Hee Hee,

OK, OK, I know 3500 isn't a large number for you SERIOUS reloaders. 

1)  I change my mind so often, that it's hard for me to commit to one bullet.
2)  $200 is about all I can spend at one time  :)
3)  My rural mail deliverer is getting kind of old and I hate to make her carry too much to her car.
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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2016, 11:39:20 AM »
How long will that last?
I've seen some guys I shoot with that are likely using that bullet.

Hey guys a newbie here. I was just wondering about the "coated" bullets versus "plated" bullets. I have been shooting the Xtreme 124/135 plated bullets for years and have had great success with them. When I do the math most plated versus coated the price is very close, normally within a buck or two of each other with the plated normally being the less expensive. Is there a advantage to the coated versus the plated or is it the option of having different colors and such ? Sorry for the silly question but was just wondering. Thanks. :)

You're right.  The price is very close.  A couple of plated bullet companies have regular sales, which has enabled me to get plated 124 gr for less than 7 cents a round on occasion.  I can usually find 124 gr coated lead for just under 7 cents a round as their normal price. 

For me, I like coated lead because............
1)  I can get higher velocities with coated lead with the same amount of powder.
2)  I tend to get more consistent results (lower standard deviation)
3)  It might be in my head, but I think I get higher accuracy.
4)  Again, it might be in my head, but I like how coated lead "feels" when shot in my pistols
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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2016, 01:22:15 PM »

M1A Scoutguy, I'm not sure where you're buying plated or where you're looking at coated where plated is cheaper.   I find coated lead to be cheaper.  Part of the problem is that plated typically comes in boxes of 250/500/1000, whereas coated lead you can buy 3k-4k at a pop with bulk price and free shipping.  Maybe plated is cheaper if you're buying 250 or 500 at time?  I don't know, but your goal should be to settle on a few outstanding performers and buy in bulk, so the cost per bullet for plated or coated in denominations of 250 or 500 or 100 isn't all that important.   At the end of the day, if they're within a cent of each other, I wouldn't care much about price to shoot what I wanted to shoot, but that still leaves performance, and coated wins that contest for me every time.

You do, as Towns said, get a few tenths of a grain less on powder per load.

Standard deviations are also typically better, but that has more to do, I believe, with how much light is reflected by the surface, which isn't much with coated, but can be quite a bit with shiny copper plating.  The sensors work better with less reflected light.  So it's likely more a matter of the scanner reading more consistently than the bullets performing more consistently.   Also, my primary use for standard deviations is as a quantitative indicator of my own reloading process.  The lower my standard deviations, the more consistent I and my gear are performing.  So if per chance I had higher than normal standard dev, but the cartridge was performing like a champ, the poor SD wouldn't bother me.  The SD advantage isn't THAT significant real world.

Accuracy?  I've seen a number of pros and other top level performers say that they can't get the accuracy that they want from plated, including our own Angus Hobdell.  That's not definitive, but when I see no top-level guys bragging about how accurate their plated rounds are, I have my suspicions.  ;)  I have also never seen a single bullseye shooter talk or write about their pet plated load.  Again, not definitive, but seems to point in a particular direction. ;)  And then there's the all important: my experience.  I have loaded better than a dozen plated bullets from two different manufacturers -- Berry's and XTreme.  I was able to get exactly ONE to perform as well as Montana Gold 124gr JHP, which was my accuracy standard at the time, and that was the XTreme 147gr RN-HPCB.  I have since loaded MANY different coated lead bullets that have outperformed that MG 124gr JHP and Xtreme 147 RN-HPCB.  And the 115gr HAP has produced the best 9mm loads I've ever made, a hair better than my best coated lead cartridges.  The only extra consideration with coated lead is that you need to bell the casemouth a bit better to make sure the coating doesn't get scraped, but other than that one extra consideration, they have been much easier for me to extract accuracy from.  The only stumble I've had with coated lead is that Blue Bullets at their normal .355 diameter for 9mm haven't been great in my CZs.  They HAVE been excellent in my HK and Glock, which have polygonal rifling, but in my land&groove CZs they throw a significant flyer maybe one or two out of ten, which is unacceptable. Other CZ shooters have noted the same issue, while other CZ shooters haven't.  I don't know what that means.  I definitely see it, though.  They are consistently inconsistent in my CZs.  Other than Blues, I have shot a number of different ACME, Bayou, SNS, BBI, and MBC, and all have been at least very good, and often excellent.

I think that plated bullets' best use is for new reloaders.  You can buy bullets 500 at a time for a reasonable price.  Plated RN bullets typically feed beautifully, and they seat very shallow for their weight.  This allows for a wide OAL window with a solid safety margin, making them doubly appropriate for new reloaders.    They are lead-safe.  They are all around forgiving bullets to learn to load on, pretty close to perfect for that application.  But they are not the end all, be all.   And while I know that there are a lot of plated loading regulars here who would disagree, I would encourage every new reloader to switch gears and move on to either coated lead or jacketed after they develop their process on plated.

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2016, 02:38:26 PM »
M1A Scoutguy, I'm not sure where you're buying plated or where you're looking at coated where plated is cheaper.   I find coated lead to be cheaper.

xtreme (for example) are similar in price to coated if you buy in bulk (25k). I switched to coated because I have one gun that doesn't like the xtreme 124's. It helps that I only have to buy 10k of the coated (and the mfr drops them off at my house and helps me carry them into the garage).

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Re: Big Quantity Bullet Purchase
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2016, 12:55:10 AM »
All I can say is WOW,,you guys are awesome already ! Thanks a ton for the info/thoughts/results with everything, very much appreciated !!  :) I was going to quote a few reply's from above but I would of quoted every single one so I refrained,,LOL Lots of good stuff. I have been reloading for years but I will admit I am a "lazy" reloader,(Safe and follow all the rules, just lazy) I buy bullets/primers that are a fair price and try it and as long as it works and keeps within pressure/safety/feeding/ejecting guidelines etc I just go with it and don't switch up much. I typically shoot IDPA/USPSA and normal range stuff with a fair amount of steel/plate racks/poppers and all my guns have always been more than accurate enough so I don't switch up much !  I have shot informal Action Pistol and I did notice many short comings on my end but I had fun so no big deal. I normally wait for Xtreme to have there 5% off or Free Shipping before I buy anything and normally get @ least 2K when I order, so I make it worth my while. I really have only been shooting "plated" the last couple of years, I have always shot lead/cast bullets that a buddy makes and they have always shot great with little to know leading, he knows what he is doing and has been casting for years. So they are good and only $65 bucks delivered to my front door, pretty hard to beat ! I really only started shooting the plated because of shooting inside in our Winter league and such and then just never switched back to lead for outdoors, again there is that lazy part in me,,LOL I guess its time to fire up the Ole lets try something different in me & see what kind of results I get. I have at least 3-4K of my buddies lead just sitting on my shelf with many K of plated but it looks like its time to try some of the Coated bullets ! I do have a CZ 07 that I have had for at least a couple years,,awesome gun but I just bought a SP-01 Tactical in 9mm that is really awesome,,LOL I have about 800 rds through it already and its been perfect ! Accuracy has been good but maybe it can be better ! My load for the SP-01 is 4.8 grn Universal with the 124 Xtreme bullet and its run fine. I think 5grn Universal is max but I always had to run my 07 hot because of the heavy recoil spring. I know they can be changed up for lighter loads but being a new gun I just have not got around to it yet. Anyways thanks again guys,I'll keep everyone posted on how I make out and the results I get. I'll post some pic's and range reports once I get organized a bit more on here !  :P