Anyone know a source for a 10 round double stack magazine? Just looking for one for bench shooting, so not interested in a 30 rounder that's been pinned/blocked. Just did a search at my usual dealers and they're all either out of stock or ridiculously overpriced.
Best deal I've found so far is from out of the Czech Republic, about $30 w/shipping for one. Would prefer to deal with a vendor in the 48 states but if these guys are reliable that's OK.
I saw that.
I wonder what the legalities are of having a few firearms parts / magazines shipped from the Czech Republic to the US?
I had some motorcycle parts shipped to me from England via FedEx a few months ago. It was a nightmare filling out all the customs forms, etc. Considering the amount of trouble and time expenditure, I probably could have flown to the UK, picked the parts up myself and taken them back on the plane for less trouble than having them shipped to me in the US.
Also, I'd hate for ordering something like this from overseas to put me under the magnifying glass of the alphabet soup boys...