? My CZ pistol/rifle model is: CZ P-07 and a full-size steel 75 clone (Tristar S120) and a compact aluminum frame clone (Tristar C100)
? The caliber of my CZ is: [9x19 Luger]
? My CZ has the following changes: P-07 has the +2 extension on one mag. The Tristar has a CZ 75 rear sight and CZ rubber grips.
? I use this CZ in the following ways: Bullseyes and steel for fun and working with my wife and grown kids.
? I want ammo accurate at: 15 - 25 yards / paces.
? I've been reloading for months/years: [Just started, 600 rounds completed, 100 (50 winchester & 50 Blazer) shot perfectly with best groups yet.
? Fully describe the maker, weight, and type bullet: Hornady 124 FMJ RN
? Powder (brand name and load range): Hodgedon Titegroup 3.3 - 4.3 ( all of my current loads are at 3.8 )
? Primer: CCI 500
? My Cartridge Over-All Length is: 1.15 consistently
Reloading Equipment
? Press brand and type: RCBS Single Rock Chucker Supreme
? Dies: RCBS 3-Die Carbide
? Scale: RCBS Single Beam
? Powder Measure: RCBS Uniflow
? Do you have access to a chronograph ? No
Problem Area
? A detailed explanation of the problem you're experiencing. Please try to be concise:
I don't have time right now to ask a dozen questions but wanted to say hello. I really appreciate this forum and it's members and the sticky posts that encouraged me to start reloading. I have had a ton of fun already. I've been reloading 9mm for several weeks but am excited to start reloading 223 for my AR-15 for distance accuracy.
I built this table top when I got my kit but I added the legs Friday and kinda finished it. Built with salvaged wood and straightened nailes and a few new screws.