I've never oiled a mag (spring) or suffered a cracked mag either but based on the advice given by CZ ("We advise customers to not put lubricants, cleaners or anything else containing an accelerant on our magazines as, with the vast majority of clear polymers, it will weaken the polymer and cause cracking to occur rapidly. It is best to leave your magazines dry and only clean them with a dry nylon brush."), the known fact that certain types of polymers and certain chemicals are incompatible, and the observation that only the three mags oiled with Militec-1 have suffered catastrophic failures, I now feel pretty safe in saying that Militec-1 is incompatible with the CZ mags. If these are the same mags that CZ has been making for this gun for years or the same composition then I'm hesitant to say that there's an inherent flaw in the magazines or the polymer.
I would definitely like to know how many people who have had mag failures lubricated or oiled them with any product, not only Militec-1.