My wife is also able to rack the slide on my RAMI using the method Rainsong mentions, but I worry about her using it as a carry pistol ... since having to do it under stress w/ potentially sweaty hands due to adrenaline and panic should be taken into consideration. Training -- and more training -- is usually the answer ... but I see a Sig P238 or Ruger LCR in her near future.
I just wish mine were a little more enthusiastic but, I think she'll get there? I can teach her the basics of safety and handling a pistol but, really teaching her how to shoot well and use a gun for self defense, I think would be like teaching her to drive a car.
A new training center/shooting range opened about a year ago less than a mile from home. While I think it's a little too focused on new shooters there's no denying it's a beautiful, state of the art facility and the best indoor range within a 50 mile radius. Membership is a little pricey - $480 per year - but there are a lot of bennies: two free gun rentals per week (OMG you wouldn't believe the selection), unlimited range time, discount firearms, firearm FFL transfers, ammunition, accessories, training classes and two hours per week in their simulator lab. Plus, they have training classes just for women. I also understand the simulator uses modified Glocks with C02 cartridges to simulate recoil. Sounds pretty cool! I'm going to forward that one to Santa Claus for her!