I've spent months on this Forum and some others trying to find out if there is some help for bi-focal shooters!
What I found will be a huge plus for Bi-Foc shooters but will also help shooters with perfect vision. In fact it's one of the very first requirements of the old box cameras from the 19th century... we need a hole!
The old box camera did not have a lens, it had a hole that was uncovered for however many seconds the shot took. When they added a lens later, they encountered another problem. the new lens had to be manually focused for either portrait or landscape.
The good old "hole" some how managed to see both close and distant focus, AT THE SAME TIME!
You don't have to wear glasses to have a problem aiming. Even with perfect vision, the eye will constantly focus near and far and back again. This can distract you from your aim.
Here's what I found! There is a small optic orifice called "The Merit Optic Sight" and can be found on theshootersbox.com for $59.00 plus $10 shipping. It's a small adjustable orifice with no lens. It suction cups to an old pair of shooting glasses, and does everything they claim it does! My first experiment I got pretty intent on what I could do at 10 yds. That may not seem like much to you but beyond 10 yards, I couldn't make out the bulls eye! I didn't try for distance, I was too thankful of 10 yards!
Today I brought it out to 25 yds., as far as our indoor facility can go. I shot better than at any time in my life! At 15, 20, &25yds., my accuracy stayed pretty much the same. At 10 yds. 70% are in the bullseye! 5 & 7yds were just embarrassing to shoot! I felt like a 12 yr old, caught playing with the 3-7 yr toys in front of the cheerleader of my dreams!
Such a little hole in the right place and life can be so cool!