Very cool rifle. I like that bulldog brake -- that top vented is best for full auto, there is a side and top vented version as well that I prefer for semi auto. Regardless, it should perform much better on a 12" pistol than the 18" Canada barrels due to fulcrum, etc, forces (youtube canada review on 18" gun has led some to dog on the brake without equivalent merit)... Also worth consideration would be a linear comp (all blast and flash directed forward) or a Special Forces or Zendl 5.56 brake... The latter two will have less overall flash than bulldog as well as noticeably less sight picture flash (bulldog puts flash directly into sight picture at night/low light, which can night blind)... If possibly considering for indoor use, a suppressor is obviously best with probably linear comp #2 and then spec forces #3 and zendl #4...
If you're looking to lighten the weapon, shockwave blades instead of the heavier rubber arm braces, and removing that side rail adapter (or replacing with the forthcoming RS Regulate one) would be noticeable improvements.
If I had the 5.56 version, I would definitely upgrade to the AR mag adapter... Czech clear poly mags are often more brittle and less durable than the lancer, etc, US options. And with a possible mag ban pending the outcome of this Pres election, it'd be much cheaper to stock up on AR mags than the proprietary 5.56 VZ58 mags... YMMV.