Bapple, I put the CGW kit in mine. I did shoot it stock. The DA was real stacky and heavy although the SA was pretty darn good. I shot the stock gun very well. But, as I already had the kit, I went ahead and installed it, at least everything except for the TRS. I didn't pull the trigger, remove or polish the trigger bar, or tweak the trigger bar spring. I did a bit of polishing to the sides of the new, hammer sear, and disconnector and I did some polishing of the pins and FPB parts.
The new trigger is a lot nicer than stock. The SA is a lighter than stock and very crisp and clean. The reset is omproved, if not as nice as a tweaked shadow with aftermarket disconnector. The DA is lighter and smoother than stock but still somewhat stacky. I may do a phase 2 and pull and polish the trigger bar and tweak the trigger bar spring. I may also try the CGW TRS although I tend to favor the stock TRS because of the slightly more positive reset function. I also blacked out the white dots on the rear sight and put in a 1mm FO front sight. Finally, I put in the safeties.
I like this pistol a lot. The trigger may not be as nice as on my CZC tweaked compact but there is something about the weight and balance of the pistol that makes it feel exceptional.