Author Topic: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...  (Read 240640 times)

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Offline bluestringer

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2010, 06:53:14 PM »
I'm still looking. I picked up a leather belt slide made for a CZ75 at a local gun shop. It works ok, but I really need something better. Another shop is supposed to be getting some Ross M12s. The website says they make one for the Witness, but not sure if it will work with the rail model. I'm going to try one when they get them.


Offline CanuckZ

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #46 on: June 26, 2010, 07:36:44 AM »
Would a Front-line Kydex holster for Jericho 941/Baby Eagle (rail version) fit a full-sized Witness P with rail?

Offline bluestringer

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2010, 02:28:15 PM »
Still looking. This is very frustrating, and expensive, trying to find a holster that will fit a Witness Match. Not sure how Hardluk got that match to fit the Safariland 568 holster, but I ordered one and it's not even close to fitting.

I'm thinking of trading this Witness and get a 1911 style pistol, at least there are plenty of holsters for them.


Offline 0uTkAsT

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2010, 04:00:31 AM »
Has anyone found a belt or paddle holster that will work with a new polymer compact with the accessory rail? I've heard XD 45 4" holsters should work, someone else said to try a Sig 226 holster, etc. but I can't afford to keep up trial-and-error type shopping. Thanks!

Offline H2oBouget

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #49 on: August 23, 2010, 06:35:34 PM »
I have modified a SERPA holster made for a Beretta 92 to fit the Witness, and it was fairly easy.
You simply cut away the indented area under the barrel area of the holster.
This is where the Witness frame hits the plastic holster.
I just took the dremel and a cutting wheel and removed that section, then tightened the retention screws on the back.
Just 4 straight line cuts making a rectangle about 1/2"x 1" section.  (I removed 1/2"x2")

Works better then I could have ever hopped for. Fits both full size and compacts. Full size will rub inside at the very end of the barrel where the frame rails are.
But the firearm locks down just fine.

Offline thirtycal

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #50 on: August 27, 2010, 02:48:28 PM »
I just found a bianchi holster for my witness 10mm that fits real well once you adjust the thumb strap.  Here is the web link. You want the one for the berreta/taurus size 15.  It also fits my taurus pt100 with a rail so it may fit witness models with a rail.  The belt slot is a little too big for my taste but other than that it works pretty well.

My witness is the  new round slide with out a rail.

Offline DarkRose

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2010, 08:28:23 PM »
I've got my Witness Elite Match coming in next week (it shipped today!) and when I was in at Gander Mountain yesterday I picked up a cheapo GunMate (same parent company as Uncle Mikes?) for a cheap experiment and something to carry with in the woods working on trails and such... It's the Size 12 for 4"-5" barrel Large Auto, I'll let you guys know how well it works when the gun comes in, then might have to check out that Bianchi.
I'm hopeful the generic "this size fits a range" will do for a short period for now, anyone else tried one of these holsters? If not I'll just have to return it when I'm back up that way next week (my closest Gander Mtn is about 30-40 mins away...)

Offline thirtycal

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2010, 07:04:06 PM »
I just found my other bianchi holster It is an IWB for my taurus .  Here is the link   They show the size 14 for the cz75  mine is the size 15 for a Berretta/Taurus.  The gun is a little loose when not mounted in the waistband but having the pants and belt help to tighten every thing up.   This  one will probably fit a little better with a square slide or a rail.  My taurus has a rail on it and it fits well also.  Though a witness or a taurus is a little big for IWB I have been testing it out for the last couple of days.  A compact witness would work in the same holster would just leave some of the bottom empty.

I will be buying more bianchi holsters for my Taurus and I will see if they fit my witness.  They probably use the same mold for all of the Berretta/Taurus holsters. If they do I will post it.

Offline meskes

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2010, 01:44:53 PM »

There is some Fobus holster advertised for a Sig model (229 maybe?) that is supposed to work with a Witness but I test fitted at a gun store and it wasn't a good fit at all.

If you know *first hand* of a particular holster brand/size for some other gun that your Witness happens to fit really well, please let me know.

I have an EAA Witness Steel Full Size and I personally use the Fobus which you mentioned for my open carry holster. It's *alright* certainly not the best out there, but it's not too bad, really. The only thing I've seen with this holster is that it takes a little bit of time to break in. Other than that, like I said, it's alright...
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Offline DarkRose

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2010, 08:59:19 PM »
I've got my Witness Elite Match coming in next week (it shipped today!) and when I was in at Gander Mountain yesterday I picked up a cheapo GunMate (same parent company as Uncle Mikes?) for a cheap experiment and something to carry with in the woods working on trails and such... It's the Size 12 for 4"-5" barrel Large Auto, I'll let you guys know how well it works when the gun comes in, then might have to check out that Bianchi.
I'm hopeful the generic "this size fits a range" will do for a short period for now, anyone else tried one of these holsters? If not I'll just have to return it when I'm back up that way next week (my closest Gander Mtn is about 30-40 mins away...)

Got my gun today and tried it. With the rail on the frame, it's a tight fit, but it is a fit. I just have to be careful not to push it in too far or the rear sight catches and will rack the slide and push the hammer back to half-cock. Maybe with some use it'll stretch a bit, at least until I find a better one. Hoping to catch Raven Concealment at the next Indy 1500 and have one made right there...
Carried it in this holster for the first time today, gotta get a real holster... The cheapie I bought just doesn't secure the gun against me well, is a straight drop, and slides back and forth like crazy... The holster works in a pinch, but that's about it. I wouldn't recommend it unless you need something NOW and have no other options...
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 06:50:36 PM by DarkRose »

Offline meskes

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2010, 01:23:18 AM »
Has anyone found a belt or paddle holster that will work with a new polymer compact with the accessory rail? I've heard XD 45 4" holsters should work, someone else said to try a Sig 226 holster, etc. but I can't afford to keep up trial-and-error type shopping. Thanks!

The Fobus holster for the Sig P226 should work just fine on the comp/ comp P. "Trial and error shopping"? It's not like you can't open the box before you buy and see if the weapon will holster into it... Hell if the store is that picky about it, take the gun in, unloaded in a rug or something and let them verify that it's empty. But I think if they're gonna get that twacked out by it, you probably shouldn't be shopping there in the first place. Also, now that I think about it, you could probably hit up Henning and see if he's got anything he knows will work with it or if he knows of anything that will work with it. Seriously though... "Trail and error"? Isn't that what ALL shopping amounts to in the end? Find something that suits not only yourself, but the gun? I mean what I might like, may not be what you'd like... amirite?
"We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." -- Late Sen. Larry McDonald

Offline recoilguy

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2010, 09:48:56 AM »
I am going to have to read this later, I am very interested in a good holster for the witness

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Offline greyling22

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #57 on: September 05, 2010, 01:35:29 PM »
I've got a nice one priced pretty well in the general classifieds.

Offline jjwalker

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #58 on: September 08, 2010, 03:43:26 PM »
I have a full size steel frame match (no rail) that fits great in a Crossbreed Supertuck (CZ75B)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 04:51:09 PM by jwc007 »

Offline DarkRose

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Re: Holsters that your Witness happens to fit in...
« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2010, 10:19:38 PM »
Still looking. This is very frustrating, and expensive, trying to find a holster that will fit a Witness Match. Not sure how Hardluk got that match to fit the Safariland 568 holster, but I ordered one and it's not even close to fitting.

I'm thinking of trading this Witness and get a 1911 style pistol, at least there are plenty of holsters for them.


BladeTech has Stingray OWB holsters for the Elite Match with rail, and without rail. They just haven't updated their website, I just ordered one through Unholstered (thanks for the heads-up JJH!) and all I had to do was specify "WITH accessory rail" in the comments section. Talked to the guy (Ron? Don?) at Unholstered and he said that BladeTech just doesn't get the menus updated as fast as they get new products out sometimes. Unfortunately it seems like something they don't keep on hand, as mine will be drop shipped direct from BladeTech, and JJH tells me it's around 30 days wait...

They are out there though! Henning also now lists a Stingray WITH accessory rail. Unholstered has the better price though.