Originally got your question via PM, but since it's in the thread I'll post the response in case anyone else may be wondering what modifications they can do to this compact. Good luck to everyone on avoiding the addiction of CZC and CGW.
"Thanks! The grips are the super grippy thin aluminum ones from cz custom. I love em, but they are pretty rough. Alright, here's the list...
Competition hammer. Won't own a cz without it (or the equivalent hammer from CGW).
http://czcustom.com/cz-sa-da-sa-only-competition-hammer-low.html 2-
Single Action Only trigger (I think it's the cz custom one). I wanted a 1911 style trigger, hence the conversion. I love it, but not everyone likes to carry cooked and locked.
http://czcustom.com/cz-75sa-tactical-sports-single-action-only-trigger-black-al.html3- I did some work to
shorten the reset, worked some parts and got the different firing pin block lifter from (cgw). I carry it and wanted to leave the FPB in. It can be removed though and it would be like a shadow. Just call CGW and they can tell you the stuff to get if you do remove the FPB and want it just like a shadow. They'll get you all set up.
Extended firing pin from cgw and lighter hammer spring. Not necessary but this was my first CZ and I got carried away with making it awesome. Below is the kit I think I ordered from Cajun Gun Works, which also included parts to shorten the reset.
Polished the internals. There's great tutorials on the forum and I followed those. Made a world of a difference. Did this to my SP-01 too and it made my double action smooth as butter and it's free.
Fiber optic front sight (cgw). I got the smallest diameter one and love it!
Cajun Gun Works Bushing. The gun was accurate, now its well beyond my accuracy potential at the moment. It was awesome.
https://cajungunworks.com/product/barrel-bushing-sp-01-10x/ 8-
Stainless steel guide rod. Nice but not really necessary...
https://cajungunworks.com/product/74040-304ss-precision-recoil-spring-guide-rod/ 9-
Thin aluminum grips. I love them because they are so thin and grippy. They are a little expensive so the VZ G10 grips can work if you don't mind a little thicker. The link to the full size version is below. I can't find the exact compact version but they do have the less aggressive ones available and that link is below as well.
http://czcustom.com/cz-75-full-size-grips-aluminum-black-thin-aggressive-checker.html http://czcustom.com/cz-parts-all/grips/compact/cz-75-compact-grips-aluminum-black-checker.html 10- grip tape one the front and back of the grip. I got my grip tape by going to a skate shop and asking if they had some scrap pieces and they gave it to me for free. It's one of the easiest, cheapest, and best things I've done.
I think that covers it... Like I said, I got a little carried away. A side note, if you dry fire the SAO is really nice. With DA/SA dry fire can turn into DA only (unless you stop the trigger forward movement yourself), but the SAO trigger moves through its normal movement (just without the weight of the final break). Alright, I think I've rambled and covered most everything. Let me know if you have any others questions or I can help with anything."