I originally brought the gun home, opened up the case, looked/played with it a little, closed the case back up, and put in the safe. There it sat until this morning...without a single round fired through it.
A couple of my gun buds wanted to do a ".45 day at the range" and we were all supposed to bring every .45 we own and shoot em.
So early this morning, I brought it out, cleaned/wiped it all down, oiled it in the likely wear spots, and headed on out to meet the guys at the range.
They are big 1911 gun nuts so I was really the odd-ball guy out there today. They just kinda looked at me funny when I laid em out.
I had four 45s with me: A custom Colt Combat Commander, a brand new Glock 30 Gen 4, a customized Springfield race gun, an S&W M&P and the CZ97BD. I started off by putting 10 230gr RB rounds down the pipe of the Glock and I was ready to literally throw that POS away...LOL...definitely going to trade or sell it off at the next local gun show. Doesn't fit my hand very well....too thick, and that new Glock stippling bites the living heck out of my hand to the point that after about 10 rounds, I was almost bleeding. Definitely have to wear gloves to shoot that ugly thing. The Commander used to be my cc gun many years back and still shoots just fine, but it's just single action and limited to 7 or 8 rounds. Put about 20 rounds thru it just to make sure all was working good. The race gun...well, it's a race gun...not much else to say about it. The S&W shoots pretty good...no complaints on it. It's similar to my cc gun: an M&P in .357 SIG. However, the 97BD got the living heck shot out of it today with not one single failure of any kind. Ran hard ball, JHP and SWC thru it....it ate it all and wanted more. BTW, 200gr SWC in this gun is a tack driver...like I said, "Impressive" The guys had never seen one before, or even heard of a "CZ". I let em fire it and they were all impressed with it as well. The 97 pretty much out-shined everything out there today. Just cleaned her up and it will definitely be going back out there with me on the next trip.