I hear you Painter,
'nuff said. I like the brand. All my CZs are quality rifles and shoot way above their price point. Perfect? What is? Good value? Absolutely!
We have major issues transporting firearms across multiple jurisdictions with widely varying regulations - almost no carrier will handle them and it is prohibitively expensive. It is, effectively, like shipping across four separate countries with each having different hoops to jump through.
Returns are always to the dealer who decides if it is an issue worth referring on to the distributor. Typically, we don't have the option to deal direct with the distributor. In the meantime, the consumer is out of pocket for around $2000 (my CZ527 cost $1670 + $170 "noting fee" + scope + mounts etc) and is without their rifle for a couple of months. It is a strong motivation to sort it out ourselves.
Let's drop this - it's going nowhere.