So now that I have the SDB mounted, cleaned, and lubed, I have been experimenting with running an empty casing through the stations and testing out ability to prime/deprime, as suggested by the Dillon manual. I found that the priming system was not working properly. After loading a few primers into the primer magazine and working the handle, the SDB would not feed primers either up onto the bare shellplate, or into an empty casing. It seemed as if the primers would either just stay in the primer magazine, or feed down into the primer slide, but miss the primer cup that is supposed to push them back up into the shellplate/casing.
After consulting with the Dillon manual, I made some adjustments to the various set screws on the primer slide and housing, and after much trial and error (and some dumb luck), managed to get everything set to the degree that the SDB now seems to be feeding primers correctly. I got it to consistently feed primers up onto the bare shellplate and I seated a primer on an empty casing.
Next steps are to: 1) get some practice with the powder measure and RCB scale, to get some experience in weighing and measuring powder charges, and gain confidence that the SDB will consistently drop the correct powder charge; 2) set up the Cabela?s/Berry?s tumbler that arrived this week, and clean my first batch of brass.