Completed my first ?mass production? run with my Dillon SDB over the weekend. I loaded up 100 of the Extreme 124 gr RN plated bullets at 1.125 OAL, using 4.2 gr HP-38 and Winchester Small Pistol Primers, and another 100 using 4.3 gr HP-38. I was having some problems with primers flipping in my Dillon SDB a few weeks ago, but I monkeyed around with the primer slide and apparently got it in working order, because I had no issues over the course of loading 200 rounds. I did not operate the SDB in full-on progressive loading mode for all 200 rounds, but rather, did 10 rounds at a time so I did not get too overwhelmed with everything going on during my first ?big? production run (previous to this, I had been using the SDB as a turret press to make one round at a time). I measured the first round, and a random round out of every 10 thereafter for OAL and crimp. I'm still getting variation of OAL up to .003, so don't quite have that smooth stroke that Wobbly talks about, apparently.
I did not see any dead spiders at any point during this process.
It took me about an hour to do 100 rounds, and that was with getting all the components out of storage, filling the powder hopper, triple-checking the charge, measuring every 10th round, etc. and then putting everything away when I was done.
Plunk-tested/spin-tested all 200 rounds in my SP01 barrel and all passed. I marked each round so I can identify which are 4.2 gr and which are 4.3 gr. Only thing left to do is go to the range and shoot ?em off.