FWIW, the SNS 125 gr Conical Nose work very nicely for anyone in the market for coated bullets. The profile is long and narrow -- plunked out to 1.125 - 1.130 in my SP01 Shadow. Smokier than jacketed bullets, but not excessive, and the "burnt wire" smell common to coated bullets was much fainter than my previous experience with Blue Bullets. I finished up my 100-bullet sample pack and will be ordering more. Pic below is just from testing function and recoil; off-hand at only 7 yards, but accurate enough to merit testing at longer ranges against my PD 124 gr JHPs.
SNS 125 vs RMR 124 by
baldrage, on Flickr
I also loaded some ladders of SNS 180 gr RNFP with Titegroup and WSF, playing around with ".40 lite" loads. Recoil with 3.0 gr TG was very soft, somewhere between .22 and 9mm. Unfortunately, TG is so dirty that my slide won't lock back after about 50 rounds with TG. The WSF in 4.2 - 4.6 gr range was promising, recoil about equal to 9mm. I ordered 500 more 180 gr RNFP bullets and will try out some additional WSF and Win 231 loads.