Witness Fiber Optic SightsThe sights on my EAA Witness compact are really BBBBAAAAADDDD. The front post seems too high and the front dot is too dim to see in low light conditions. The diagram shows three traditional sight pictures, plus mine. Lining up the tops of the blade puts me at least 6" to 12" low at about 20'.
After only about nine months, I finally have gotten around to replacing my sights. Here's my solution:
1) Order up an LPA TTF86CZ fiber sight used for CZ pistols AND a LPA TR90TA18 traditional sight used for EAA Witness pistols.
2) Swap leafs of the two sights, giving you a fiber rear sight for the Witness. To do so, remove the adjustment screw and drive out the pin with a 1/16" punch. To reassemble, reinstall the screw and them tap the pin back in. Exercise care when reinstalling, neither the screw nor the pin should require much force to install. Note there are two small springs under the leaf -- don't lose them.
3) Install the fiber rear sight as normal.
4) Now for the front sight: Order up a HiViz HSG1002 front sight for Sig Sauer P-Series pistols and a dovetail 3/16" 70 degree dovetail cutter
Harvey Tool #977812-C3.
5) Mill off the original EAA Witness sight. The front sight sits on a slightly raised area of the slide. With care you will be able to mill off the front sight and a couple thousands of the raised area, leaving the finish on the rest of the slide intact. Note that the Witness slide is really hard -- take it slow and you'll be fine.
6) Mill the dovetail. I zeroed the bottom of the dovetail to the top of the freshly milled area of the slide, then lowered the cutter 0.065". Set the cutter in order to position the dovetail so that the front of the sight will be just behind the front of the slide. The dovetail cutter I used is about 0.005" smaller than the dovetail on the sight. I was able to perform the cut in two passes. If you take it *really* slow on the first pass you can use the dovetail cutter alone to cut the slot without the need to pre-cut a slot with a standard end mill.
7) The dovetail portion of the HiViz HSG1002 is way too wide. You'll want to narrow it. My witness is factory ported, so I took about 0.100" off each side so that it didn't block the porting. YMMV.
8 ) Install the front sight as normal.
9) Cleanup with alcohol and blue using cold blue.
10) There will be a small gap under the back of the sight blade and the top of the slide. Using red Locktite or thin epoxy, fill the gap. Note that I was able to use standard notebook paper to help coerce the Locktite into the gap. Cleanup using a small amount of alcohol -- use a tiny amount since you don't want to flush out the gap.
My original sight picture:
Front Sight:
Rear Sight:
HiViz HSG1002