Giving a lot of thought to this now. My concern is that since I've ingrained myself to ride the safety, if I press the decocker while firing, it will block the hammer. I'm considering getting a P-01 with that rear facing lever or even ::gulp:: going back to Glock...
I shot a 1911 in competition for about a year before discovering that I liked CZs better, and I also still occasionally carry a few compact 1911s concealed, so I know what you mean about riding the safety with your thumb. In my experience, the decocker on my P-01 and PCR gave me so much trouble while practicing drills (inadvertently decocking the gun with my thumb while firing) that I ended up shaving the decocker levers down on both guns so that they wouldn't be in the way. The decocker levers on both of my P-07s do not cause me any issues, and I haven't felt the need to shave them down or switch them out to the manual safeties. YMMV.

Alternatively, you could also build up the factory safety with some sugru or epoxy to make it easier to disengage. I did this with my P-09 safeties as an experiment by melting bits of ABS plastic onto them and shaping them (very time consuming). It worked great, but I use the gun as a 3-gun pistol now and went back to the decockers as I wasn't sure that the modified safeties would hold up to the abuse of throwing the gun into boxes.