Hi Ethan,
These are great pistols, a diamond in the rough! The trigger pulls are really heavy.
Trigger flinch is a normal thing. To get the best of this, you need to train your brain a bit by dry fireing practice. However, these guns do not really take well to a lot of dry fire without certain measures being taken.
To begin with, a small o-ring under the hammer inserted into the back of the slide around the fireing pin in an oval condition, with the alternate being snap caps.
The best way to improve the gun at the same time as making it resilient to dry fire would be to order the Cajun Gun Works parts for with the extended fireing pin and retainer pin along with the lighter hammer spring. Call CGW for info! It don't cost much and if you have any skill you can install yourself. Cut your DA pull by 4# or so and the SA by 1 or 2. Makes much more manageable.
Hope that helps,