I have a Scorpion pistol (waiting on a tax stamp) that has a Kaw Valley linear comp and a Carbine with muzzle brake. After about 500 rounds at the range it had significant lead build up in the brake. Lead had built up to point of touching the exiting bullet. I did not see an effect on accuracy. I was running drills under 20 yards. The barrel did not have any lead. I am running SNS 125Gr NLG RN with 3.8Gr of titgroup at 1.090 OAL. I have not chronod that load out of the carbine yet. Out of my SP-01 its 1070 and the Scorpion pistol 1150.
The Kaw Valley on the pistol after 500 rounds had very little carbon or lead build. Couple of very small flakes that easily picked off.
I shoot a lot and do not want to have to clean a muzzle brake every couple of 100 rounds. I am thinking of either going with the Kaw Valley or just putting on a thread protector. I leaning toward the thread protector.