Author Topic: Making Progress with my Dillon SDB. Need more knowledge, though.  (Read 6877 times)

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Offline IDescribe

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Re: Making Progress with my Dillon SDB. Need more knowledge, though.
« Reply #45 on: December 27, 2016, 09:07:29 AM »
Hossman, for your reading pleasure, I just now went through my process again to determine OAL for the ACME 124gr RN-NLG and my CZ-75 ShadowLine.  I loaded a dummy round (resize case, flare, seat, crimp), then seated .005 deeper, deeper, deeper, until it would plunk and spin freely.   It was NOT spinning freely at 1.079.  It WAS spinning freely at 1.074.    To determine a working OAL, the recommended reduction from the maximum is .015.  I typically do a reduction of .010.  In the past, I have loaded this bullet to 1.060 or 1.065, so it appears my OAL determining process today lines up nicely with the first time I loaded this bullet however long ago.

You, however, were loading this bullet to 1.078.  My ShadowLine is a little more short-throated than most, so it's not uncommon for people to load the same bullet a touch longer than what I load, so a little variation doesn't surprise me.  However, it's your results that matter, and your results are telling you that 1.078 is too long.  It's THAT simple. 

I don't know that your arbitrarily knocking off .008 to get it down to 1.070 is the right decision here.  YOUR original process was in one way or another wrong.  My recommendation is that you do it again. Determine your maximum OAL by one of the methods available, THEN knock off .015.  Let THAT be your working OAL.  If that turns out to be 1.070, great.  If not, also great.  I would just redo the whole process so that you have a more complete vision of what's going on.  ;)

Offline HossMan

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Re: Making Progress with my Dillon SDB. Need more knowledge, though.
« Reply #46 on: December 27, 2016, 09:16:00 AM »
Hossman, for your reading pleasure, I just now went through my process again to determine OAL for the ACME 124gr RN-NLG and my CZ-75 ShadowLine.  I loaded a dummy round (resize case, flare, seat, crimp), then seated .005 deeper, deeper, deeper, until it would plunk and spin freely.   It was NOT spinning freely at 1.079.  It WAS spinning freely at 1.074.    To determine a working OAL, the recommended reduction from the maximum is .015.  I typically do a reduction of .010.  In the past, I have loaded this bullet to 1.060 or 1.065, so it appears my OAL determining process today lines up nicely with the first time I loaded this bullet however long ago.

You, however, were loading this bullet to 1.078.  My ShadowLine is a little more short-throated than most, so it's not uncommon for people to load the same bullet a touch longer than what I load, so a little variation doesn't surprise me.  However, it's your results that matter, and your results are telling you that 1.078 is too long.  It's THAT simple. 

I don't know that your arbitrarily knocking off .008 to get it down to 1.070 is the right decision here.  YOUR original process was in one way or another wrong.  My recommendation is that you do it again. Determine your maximum OAL by one of the methods available, THEN knock off .015.  Let THAT be your working OAL.  If that turns out to be 1.070, great.  If not, also great.  I would just redo the whole process so that you have a more complete vision of what's going on.  ;)
Awesome, thanks so much!

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Re: Making Progress with my Dillon SDB. Need more knowledge, though.
« Reply #47 on: December 27, 2016, 04:26:47 PM »
I have had better luck with 1.065". I have a very small pile of bullets on my reloading table that I have visually noticed that they have high spots. Most of those plunked and rotated at 1.065". Soon, I'll figure out what OAL those really nasty bullets plunk at. Lol.

On another note, I didn't need a chrono to figure out what was making Power Factor with my new loads using Titegroup. 4.0 grains was the first charge to break the sound barrier in my ladder load. Had a nice little *crack* to it. :)

Offline IDescribe

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Re: Making Progress with my Dillon SDB. Need more knowledge, though.
« Reply #48 on: December 27, 2016, 05:07:21 PM »
With 4.0 of Titegroup with that bullet at 1.160, I averaged 1094, with no single shot higher than 1105, so one or two tenths of a grain of shy of the sound barrier.

You also don't want to be near the sound barrier.  Bullets experience significant turbulence, affecting accuracy negatively, while in the trans-sonic range, which runs from 20-30 feet/sec below the speed of sound to 20-30 feet/sec above the speed of sound.  I treat 1090 as a hard ceiling for minor loads, and I prefer to keep the average under 1080. 

If I wanted to run TG with that bullet for 9mm minor in competition, I would test at 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 for accuracy, then use the the most accurate load.