Well, its not really brilliant, just a temp slave pin, but I did have difficulty without it.
I got the pro-package for decockers from David. I was worried how hard it would be, but it was really very straight forward. If you have any mechanical skills, I'd definitely say give it a shot. It was very fun and to be honest, to easy. I wish it was a little harder to make it fun. I guess David's parts just made it easy.
I do have a tip however that might help.
Getting that hammer assembly back together was slightly tricky as the pins are nice and tight. Hammering them in while keeping the disconnector in place was hard, so I used a little tooth pick to hold it temporarily in place while I struck it with the hammer.
1. Partially drive in the hammer pin without protruding to the gap where the disconnector will be.
2. Put a toothpick in place to hold the disconnector in place
3. Break off the toothpick at the length that will keep in barely in place when you put into your work block
4. Drive the pin in and it'll push out the toothpick
Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 (success)