I didnt pre measure, but if you or someone with a MIC measured from the hole the safety passes through to the middle of thr arch I could tell you how much material I removed. Most likely it was 1-2mm at most...There is a lot of material to take off, however you do have to really look at the hole the hammer strut passes through. I stopped several times to determine where to stop grinding, seeing as though when youbgo to polish and smoot it out youbwill be removing material as well. So, I took it down as far as I felt comfortable. Which to say the least is a fair ammount. I would have smoothed the backstrap more but that would have required taking more of the vertical serrations down at the top and having to further blend it. Which would have been a ton of labor! Plus when I put the grips on, it felt superb. So I left it the way it was, and just blended just a little of the top of the serrations. I took the trigger gaurd down as equal an ammount as possible, nothing scientific but I reassembled thebsights onto the slike and checked point of aim until it was spot on for me. The front strap was easier to blend to make it less noticable.
I am NOT a gunsmith however I am a mechanic/HVAC tech I do a lot of grinding to fit parts for work and can typically work a dremel with ease.