Went to the range this afternoon to conduct my own off-hand 25 meter accuracy test, just for fun. I had been concentrating on 7-10 yard targets for about the first 750 rounds. Today, I moved the targets out to 15 meters to warm-up:
50 rounds, Geco 115gr FMJ - 15 meters
25 rounds, Independence 115gr FMJ - 15 meters
Yikes! The first couple of mags of the Geco, I was all over the place not being accustomed to shooting at that distance. By the time I finished the box of Geco and started on the box of Independence, I was getting in the groove.
Then, I moved the target out to 25 meters:
20 rounds, Independence 115gr FMJ - 25 meters
I know it isn't anything to brag about but considering it was the first time I shot a target past 15 meters, I'll take it. Just need to practice more at that distance but so much for the PCR's test target from the factory. It's not the gun, it's the shooter!