I don't think this is a case of a top-hammer company (CZ) getting with the program (plastic, striker-fired). Instead, CZ is putting a new and fresh spin on the striker mechanism. It's like a Glock body with a unique CZ soul (smooth, dare I say polished, light striker). The striker mechanism is indeed different from other strikers, and its feel might convince a lot of fans of other brands to try, and perhaps convert to, CZ.
That's why this pistol is not radically different. (Say, familiar CZ slide-in-frame, but a new striker). It's similar enough to other striker pistols so that it provides a smoother transition of those shooters to this pistol. If it were too different, less striker guys would give it a try. Not a bad strategy actually.
Phase One: Bring a familiar striker gun to market with an exceptional new striker mechanism. Convert some xyz-fanboys to the CZ brand.
Phase Two; Produce a metal/allow, slide-in-frame variant featuring the new striker mechanism. Alternatively, stay with polymer, but introduce a frame-in-slide version with the striker. (Appeal to both camps)
If CZ made a striker-fired 75, I'd be all over it to give a striker a try. Maybe call it a P z58.