Author Topic: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10  (Read 42424 times)

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Offline inthevalley

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #150 on: November 29, 2016, 02:01:33 AM »

Feel the same way. Something's just not doing it for me. Just not feeling it.

I concur. I hope they offer a model with a safety, otherwise I don't see any reason to buy this over a Walther.

It seems to me the Arsenal Stryke One or the older Steyr pistols do a better job of combining striker fire with an ultra low bore axis, which is the main feature that sets CZ's apart in the hammer-fired world.

Offline rch024

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #151 on: November 29, 2016, 06:37:43 AM »

Feel the same way. Something's just not doing it for me. Just not feeling it.

I concur. I hope they offer a model with a safety, otherwise I don't see any reason to buy this over a Walther.

It seems to me the Arsenal Stryke One or the older Steyr pistols do a better job of combining striker fire with an ultra low bore axis, which is the main feature that sets CZ's apart in the hammer-fired world.

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Offline Cyanide

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Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #152 on: November 29, 2016, 10:57:28 AM »
I love my CZ's and am definitely going to get the P10C myself, but this whole CZ "low bore axis" myth is funny. True, the design of the CZ lets us get a nice high grip on the pistol, but it does not guarantee a low bore axis. The lowest bore axis on any CZ that I am aware of is on my beloved, albeit discontinued, CZ 100. Here's a few pictures of my personal collection through the years. You be the judge!

Steyr C9-A1 and P-07:

CZ's vs Glock (yuk!):

P-07, CZ 100, Steyr M9, Glock 19:

P-07, PPQ, Steyr C9-A1:

Here is what I consider a good example of bore axis, ranging from very high to as low as you can get:

Two of the current lowest bore axis pistols made, Glock and Steyr:

With all that, I could care less about the doggone bore axis. Just shoot the dang pistol to the best of your abilities. Train with it, use it, make it a natural extension of your arm and hand, regardless of whether it's the latest and greatest, or some old-school DA revolver!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 01:50:22 PM by Cyanide »

Offline jwc007

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #153 on: November 29, 2016, 01:15:02 PM »
Yeah, I'm thinking the Steyr's low bore axis is as low as you can go!  :)
I'm also thinking that my Steyr L9A1 might preclude me getting into a Cz10.

Steyr L9A1 9mm Pistol - Right Hand View
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Offline Joe Allen

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #154 on: November 29, 2016, 03:34:03 PM »
Yeah, I'm thinking the Steyr's low bore axis is as low as you can go!  :)

In a bottom feeder maybe. You can go even lower on a round (well... round-ish) gun:

Fires from the bottom cylinder.

Offline newtoczs

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #155 on: November 29, 2016, 04:34:10 PM »
Bore axis has always been an interesting subject IMO.  In all of the years I've been shooting, I've never noticed that much of a difference between firearms based on the bore height.  The things that I believe make the biggest difference from firearm to firearm are ergonomics of the firearm, trigger quality and proper fundamentals on the part of the shooter.

That being said, I can't wait to pick up the new P10.  Anyone hear anything about an updated time table for the P10's release?

Offline deadduck357

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #156 on: November 29, 2016, 09:19:33 PM »
Bore axis has always been an interesting subject IMO.  In all of the years I've been shooting, I've never noticed that much of a difference between firearms based on the bore height.  The things that I believe make the biggest difference from firearm to firearm are ergonomics of the firearm, trigger quality and proper fundamentals on the part of the shooter.

That being said, I can't wait to pick up the new P10.  Anyone hear anything about an updated time table for the P10's release?

Agree, subtle differences but have always been able to notice less "muzzle flip" with my Glocks vs the high bore axis of my Sig Sauers (cal. and barrel comparable).

Offline Type5

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #157 on: November 30, 2016, 09:21:57 AM »
I saw tha MAC video on this pistol a couple of days ago.
I have to admit to being intrigued!

Offline rich63

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #158 on: November 30, 2016, 09:28:06 AM »
I saw tha MAC video on this pistol a couple of days ago.
I have to admit to being intrigued!

I agree with you 100%. Really looking forward to getting my hands on one.


Offline Sergiodpk

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #159 on: December 01, 2016, 09:45:37 AM »
I love that all the top hammer companies are getting with the program. If it's as good as they say, it might rival my VP9 & p320. Can't wait to buy one.

Offline Obiwan

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #160 on: December 03, 2016, 01:35:26 PM »
I don't think this is a case of a top-hammer company (CZ) getting with the program (plastic, striker-fired). Instead, CZ is putting a new and fresh spin on the striker mechanism. It's like a Glock body with a unique CZ soul (smooth, dare I say polished, light striker). The striker mechanism is indeed different from other strikers, and its feel might convince a lot of fans of other brands to try, and perhaps convert to, CZ.

That's why this pistol is not radically different. (Say, familiar CZ slide-in-frame, but a new striker). It's similar enough to other striker pistols so that it provides a smoother transition of those shooters to this pistol. If it were too different, less striker guys would give it a try. Not a bad strategy actually.

Phase One: Bring a familiar striker gun to market with an exceptional new striker mechanism. Convert some xyz-fanboys to the CZ brand.

Phase Two; Produce a metal/allow, slide-in-frame variant featuring the new striker mechanism. Alternatively, stay with polymer, but introduce a frame-in-slide version with the striker. (Appeal to both camps)

If CZ made a striker-fired 75, I'd be all over it to give a striker a try. Maybe call it a P z58. :)

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #161 on: December 03, 2016, 04:45:38 PM »
I love that all the top hammer companies are getting with the program. If it's as good as they say, it might rival my VP9 & p320. Can't wait to buy one.
What program? Strikers aren't better, just different and cheaper to manufacture.

Offline DOC 1500

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Re: Military Arms Polymer CZ, It's here! The CZ10
« Reply #162 on: December 03, 2016, 07:29:44 PM »
With all that, I could care less about the doggone bore axis. Just shoot the dang pistol to the best of your abilities. Train with it, use it, make it a natural extension of your arm and hand, regardless of whether it's the latest and greatest, or some old-school DA revolver!

Cyanide, I have to agree with you you just practice and shoot it , and be comfortable with  it,  depends upon the shooter.
 ever watch the videos of Hickok45 ..that guy shoots anything very well.  shooting experience and technique.JMHO
« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 07:41:00 AM by DOC 1500 »
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