"Can somebody explain to me what they think a striker does that a CZ75 DA/SA or even a SA trigger doesn't do a hundred times better?"
For one it appears to allow a higher hold than a hammer fired gun. Aside from that, the thing it does best is appeal to people who prefer striker fired guns. To me, that's enough reason to produce it. I wouldn't buy a Chevy Volt, but I would buy a Corvette Z06. That's no reason to get angry at the Volt. I hope CZ sells a million of them. I prefer hammer guns but I'll buy a P10. It looks more comfortable to hold than my P-07. If they'd give the 07 some hips I'd buy that one too.
On the contrary, I can't stand the Volt, Leaf, Prius, etc. when they trundle down the highway and get in my way.
Similarly, I hate Glocks and all the striker fired Glock clones clogging up the shelves in gun shops as they take up space that could otherwise be used for other, much better alternatives.
Sure, Glocks and their clones are popular because they're cheap, cheap to build and highly profitable. They aren't better guns to have in a fire fight, which is what my guns are for, primarily. For that reason, I hate to see CZ divert resources to this Glock clone because it's going to negatively impact production of their much better CZ75 pistols. Hopefully, if CZ continues in this folly, they'll have the P-10 production diverted to Taiwan, Brazil, Croatia or wherever.
That's one of the reasons I've switched from SIG to CZ, SIG ramped up their production and diversified to so many types of pistols (including striker fired Glock clones) that their quality control went to bleep, even in the formerly outstanding P220, P229, P239, etc. SIG's profits may have jumped up, but I have little confidence in their quality control these days after I bought a badly machined "custom shop" P239.