Maybe in 8 years, when they announce the '75B 50th Anniversary' pistol, we'll also see another limited edition pistol:
1. Options available for both polymer and all-steel (NP3) frames with the classic CZ ergos.
1a. Coco grips come standard on the steel version.
2. Striker fired SA with safety, and flat match trigger with no dingus
3. Slide-in-frame design
4. Mags and sights interchangeable with the 75 series
5. Short dust cover like the 75B.
6. Maybe a rail. I don't know - I prefer the aesthetics without a rail, but the 92A3 manages to look ok with a rail on it
7. Optics ready
8. Offer to sell a limited set of both versions together with matching serial numbers and a carved wood display box for mucho $$$$.
The idea here would be to 'modernize' the 75B while keeping as much of the old design as possible.
The materials are updated (either polymer, or NP3 coated steel), and the striker with safety is a callback to the old 75's trigger & manual of arms. Hopefully, the presence of a manual safety also merits the removal of the trigger dingus. A pre-milled slide for optics just seems like a good feature to have; I think we're headed for all duty pistols having red dots. I prefer the non-railed look, but if we're trying to modernize a classic design...
It might not be possible (I don't know if a polymer frame can keep the same external dimensions as the 75B, not to mention needing a new takedown method), but that would be one of the most unique guns on the market (and a heck of a shooter to boot). It'd also be interesting to see which versions sell the best - NP3 is expensive, but I'd imagine 75 fans preferring steel.