For many years I had no use for polymer framed guns. Shooting a couple Glocks years ago just ruined me for polymer guns. I want groups, not patterns.
I finally decided a wanted something that wasn't pretty to start with so therefore wouldn't be "ruined" by hard use, carry, perspiration, dirt/crud, etc. when I carried it in the yard, woods, garage, etc.
I figured a plastic framed gun would be perfect for that. I went through some other brands of polymer framed guns before I got my P07. Wow! Fit my hand, was reliable and accuracy in a class the other brands couldn't even glimpse. So I bought more. P09s, another P07, both calibers. Amazing guns.
Then I bought a P01. Not as accurate as my P07/P09 guns, but it looked good and felt good in my hand. I hope to have fixed the feed ramp issue when I polished it the other day, but need to get it to the range to see.
Even so, the P01 was followed by a Pre B CZ 85. That was followed by a CZ 75 Compact. None match the accuracy of the P07 or P09 but they are still pretty decent. I've done more trigger/action work on the metal framed guns to get their triggers closer to the stock plastic framed guns. We're getting a DP Pro installed on the latest CZ 75 Compact in an attempt to wring more accuracy and easier/quicker sight/target alignment. Not saying that will lead to better groups (it could) but it will make it easier to get on target quickly.
I keep a polymer framed gun on me when I go off my property. I carry around either that same polymer framed gun or the Pre B CZ 85 on my property. I have the P01 beside my recliner and a P09 by the bed.
They're all CZs and I trust all of them to get the job done if I have to use one.
Best feel in my hand goes to the metal framed guns. Man, does that P01 and CZ 85 feel good. But accuracy goes to the P07 and P09. Distinctly better accuracy.