Author Topic: Omega VS ??  (Read 3371 times)

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Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2016, 12:27:14 PM »
Alright quick update ... I dry fired it last night I guess around 60 times and the trigger came ALIVE. After install I noticed I had introduced a bit of grit feel that hadnt been there. I knew it wasnt the hammer because it comes polished up sweet. What I think may have happened is the hammer to strut pin came out of the old system simply by shaking it out. Didnt need a punch or anything. Probably led to some of the ambiguous feeling too if the pin was floating in the hole.

The pin had to be hammered through the new hammer though. It was a tight fit and required some tapping to get seated. The hammer strut didnt feel bound because I checked but it must have been tight enough to cause a little friction. Well after the dry fires .... man oh man what a nice CLACK in single action. Amazing upgrade.

So I figure I am at about $540 on a gun that would make most peoples eyes water with envy. With all the polishing and small changes it feels like a comp gun. In the plastic market that puts me at a new old version XD of which I had 6 and all of their triggers SUCK, puts me more than $100 under a new glock with no work and about the same for an M&P. Oh did I mention I hate striker fired guns! Final proof will be in my range outing on Monday.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2016, 05:29:24 PM »
alright last update... Went out and fired about 150 rds today. The work I have done has transformed the gun but the last piece was that hammer. I did the tune up according to the thread titled as such and have installed a 17# hammer spring and in the last tinker session, the reduced plunger spring.
The hammer is the star! Went today and it was everything I had hoped for. I was consistently putting bullets in the silhouette. No not the big giant one, that was easy, but the little bitty one you usually see in the upper left hand corner of the silhouette target. The rectangle it lives in is about the size of a playing card. I was hitting that silhouette center mass and even called out a head shot to my wife and did it ... much to my own surprise!!   ;D

Target was about 24 ft so not ready for the circus or anything but ... My eye sight has gotten bad enough at medium range that the front sight is a blur so if I could shot that well than a younger guy or an older one with the right prescription could easily.
So I will close it out with  .. if you were thinking about the hammer and wondering whether it would make a difference... It does, go buy one if you can. Its that awesome and I am not usually easily impressed.
My p07 is now up there with my favorite handguns.