Author Topic: Omega VS ??  (Read 3373 times)

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Offline Boriqua

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Omega VS ??
« on: November 14, 2016, 05:16:34 PM »
I didnt know whether to post this here or in the CZ clone forum. Went out today with the wife with among other things my CZ P07 and my Tristar T100.

My T100 Trigger is pretty far and away sweeter than my CZ. In my T 100 I have installed the CGW spring kit, CGW SPGK1, and the kit replaces the hammer, firing pin and firing pin block spring. I did nothing else to the gun.

On my P07 I have completely disassembled the gun and did what amounts to a full polish job on all the internals that matter and the only spring I replaced is the hammer spring and I swapped it out for a 17#

Took both out today. I hadnt taken the CZ out since I did the polish, buff and hammer spring change and wanted to make sure it still works.

Good news was the P07 worked with every bit of ammo I put in it including my carry 124 speer gold dots.
The T100 in every way was a nice crisp clean break and a reset that I was just not getting from my p07 before or after the work. Now like a dumb ass I blew off the T100 which I had wanted for some time and gave it to my wife ... who is none to anxious to give it back. She is an excellent shot with it. It is an AWESOME gun.

So now I am curious .. is it the Omega trigger system that makes the p07 not quite as crispy as the more traditional CZ setup. I have poured a couple hours of work into my p07 while the spring swap on the T100 was a 15 minute job yet the t100 kills the p07 in trigger action.

My, well my wifes now, T100 in single action and in reset feels more like my 1911. Single action really feels 1911 ish and I have been shooting 1911's for over 20 years. Just a nice crisp discernible break. reset is just as good and my 1911 has been worked!

The p07 has been my wear everyday go to gun. Great thing about plastic is you dont have to spend a great deal of concern caring for it but .... Do I sell it and find another turk gun or is there something I can do to make this trigger alot more CRACK SNAP when it breaks. I dont want to throw $300 at a gun to make it right but don't mind spending a few dollars. At $300 I will just sell the p07 and find another Turk.

Is it the omega trigger group that makes the trigger mushy or is it that the Turks are out refining CZ. Is the traditional CZ configuration just better than the new Omega system. My grail gun was a CZ compact in steel but now I am not sure if it is CZ QC or the different trigger configurations.

Offline twowheels

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2016, 12:12:23 AM »
The omega trigger will be vastly improved by some CGW parts but it won't ever be as nice as a tuned standard CZ trigger.  You should buy the compact and work it over with aftermarket parts and you will have as nice a trigger as can be had on a DA-SA pistol. 

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2016, 12:30:42 AM »
It's the two different systems that you are feeling. The Omega trigger just doesn't break as cleanly as the original 75 style system.

Offline flattusmaximus78

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2016, 09:55:54 AM »
My Dad just got an SP01 Tact, the SA break is much crisper than my P09, but not as short, light, or as clean. Both have awesome SA trigger pulls though, just two different animals.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2016, 03:35:31 PM »
Man it is a beast of a gun but I have become kind of a trigger snob. I would hate to throw money at the gun if it is just never going to be what I want but does anyone have experience installing the CGW race hammer

Seems silly to throw another $100 bucks at the gun but so far I have only invested time and a $7 spring and it sure is nice other than the break not being as clickity click snap as I like. I guess I could just sell it and look for a P100 or hold out for my grail the CZ compact but I dont have a plastic gun beside this one and it is sure nice when I go hiking to have 15 rds in a nice light weight package. It has the benefit that if I fall over going over rocks and it gets dinged .... I dont care to much.

So will the $100 trigger and maybe the more stout sear spring give me what I am looking for or is it just not gonna happen.
Thanks fellas

Offline CZTom

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2016, 04:17:09 PM »
If you are really looking to do the cheapest, most effective mods, I might suggest that you slightly bend the Trigger bar support spring to reduce tension.  This lets the trigger pull with less "grit", and can be done by simply removing only the slide, as in normal cleaning.  There are pics and threads on this website about that.  Check posts by: schmeky

Also, the CGW reduced power firing pin block plunger spring ($5) also helps smooth and reduce trigger pull.

If you feel more aggressive, install a reduce power trigger return spring ($7).


Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2016, 04:05:19 PM »
I dont think I need to make it any lighter. I did the full polish job as outlined in another thread and already reduced the tension on the trigger bar spring as was suggested. I know the firing pin block spring change out would make it a bit lighter still but at this point I am happy with the pull weight and feel in double and single action.

What I would like now is to improve the break. My Tristar T100 and a buddies CZ 75b crack like my 1911. Nice clear snap. Unfortunately while my trigger pull on the p07 is light its not up to the same kind of action as those 2 guns. Except for the fact that I pick up the sights on my p07 better than my T100 I am a better shot with the t100 intuitively and I really think its the trigger break.

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2016, 07:51:07 PM »
I can't speak to the CGW P series hammer, as my P-09 had the CZC comp legal hammer. The comp legal hammer is better than oem, but it wasn't better enough for me. Still had more of a rolling break. I just prefer the 75 style action. I do have a two 75's, one with a CGW race hammer and another with a comp legal. The CGW breaks very noticeably crisper with zero camming. I ended up selling the 09 to fund a 97b purchase. I would suggest messaging Joe L, he has a fully cajunized P-09 and a new P-07 so he could probably give you a good idea. He also has a "highly experienced" trigger finger.

Offline twowheels

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2016, 10:11:44 AM »
See my response above.  Both of my omega CZs have CGW race hammers.

Offline DCSigCZ

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2016, 07:35:39 AM »
As mentioned by others, talk to Cajun Gun Works. They recently released a new hammer for the P-07 and P-09.  Here is its description on their website and it does reference having a 1911 style feel.
"CGW?s newest hammer for the P-07/09, the ?Stealth P-07/09 Hammer?.   This is a faithful copy of the OEM?s upper design, but features CGW?s high performance hammer hook geometry.  Produces a super crisp, yet safe, defensive weight, 1911 like break in single action.   You must use our 51820 sear spring kit in the P-07  (recommended for the P-09) when installing this in the P-07 as a stand alone product."

You can find it here =

Please let us know what your experience is with it after you try it.
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Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2016, 09:37:24 AM »
I went ahead and ordered the parts. After the full tuneup and polish I did and the reduction in hammer spring weight it is so bleep near perfect. I will report back after I have installed and given it a whirl.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2016, 06:45:06 PM »
Ok parts installed. I got the race hammer, the sear spring kit and figured while I was at it I would install the reduced plunger spring and reduced firing spring. The hammer does just what it said it would. It removed all that ambiguous mushy action before what might be a break if you knew where to find it. Just what I was looking for and it is as advertised.

I first installed the heavier of the two sear springs. I actually loved it in single action with the heavier sear spring but that spring also affects your double action. Were I to carry cocked and locked like I do my 1911 then hands down the heavier spring. It makes that single action nice and crispy and well suited to my personal preference. but ... it almost felt like it removed most of the reduction in trigger pull I gained by changing the hammer spring to the 17#.

So I took it apart again and installed the yellow sear spring. Still nice clean break I was looking for. Like my t100 or my 1911 you can feel where it breaks and I like it. It is however a little light for my tastes in single action. It feels about as light as I had it before the install of the hammer but now all the slop is gone so that is a good thing. Still debating whether to stick the heavier one back in and get used to the double action or take the happy medium the yellow spring gives me.

Its my daily carry so my thinking is that first harried shot should I ever god forbid need to take it is going to be in double action so if I am going to sway one way or the other I am thinking I should err on the happier double.

Having said all that .. just an FYI .. it is indeed a real change in feel. I was hesitant to spend a hundred bucks on it and then have it be one of those imperceptible changes that you can only feel in a zen state. I am sure their are plenty of people here in the same boat. It really does as advertised and has greatly improved this gun.

Edited to add
This is probably more important to the owners of the old style Duty pistols but the 91000 hammer is sooo much nicer to work with. I have the older model that has... had... the round hammer profile. Drawing the hammer back with your thumb with the new hammer is almost like a cam. The flats and edges seem to make it far easier and more secure. Pretty sweet. I find dropping the hammer manually a bit easier too because of the much larger aperture.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 10:24:40 AM by Boriqua »

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2016, 07:14:45 PM »
Glad it worked out for you. P-07 is a great gun, any gun is better with a little Cajun Spice.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2016, 07:30:28 PM »
Glad it worked out for you. P-07 is a great gun, any gun is better with a little Cajun Spice.
I was on Buds alert list for the tristars. It was sell the p07 and pick up another tristar or spend a few extra bucks and hope it works out. I really wanted to keep one plastic gun and in most regards this is the best plastic gun I have owned.

My Tristar has the CGW spring kit and nothing more. It is a tack driver and a pleasure to shoot. Trigger is wonderful.

Now with a little sweat equity and about $100 bucks this is a bit smoother and more than a bit lighter than the tristar in double and single action and it is a beast of a gun. It fits awesomely in my hand, is easy to carry and should I drop it .. its plastic and no chipped paint or broken frames. I was afraid to throw money at the p07 instead of just bailing and going metal but I am very happy with the decision I made.

Offline DCSigCZ

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Re: Omega VS ??
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2016, 06:54:44 AM »
Glad it worked out for you. P-07 is a great gun, any gun is better with a little Cajun Spice.
...Now with a little sweat equity and about $100 bucks this is a bit smoother and more than a bit lighter than the tristar in double and single action and it is a beast of a gun. It fits awesomely in my hand, is easy to carry and should I drop it .. its plastic and no chipped paint or broken frames. I was afraid to throw money at the p07 instead of just bailing and going metal but I am very happy with the decision I made.

Great, happy that your pistol now pleases you instead of irritating you!  Thank you for sharing your experience.
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