Wow, many of you are just like me - enjoying things that GO FAST like bullets, cars, bikes and one more b...
Paint the Beemer because:
1. That will protect it and you and you and we would be SAD if anything happened to either.
2. You can reload today with 100% confidence and reliability.
3. You are not a commercial Ammo manufacturer so do you REALLY need more speed.
4. Speed costs money. LOTS of money. Save it for better uses.
5. I don't think you will sell me the 550 for as low a cost as I need it to be - not being a jerk, just not rich, that and the desire to put my manufacturing skills to work on small scale making ammo and collecting data about it is why I finally started reloading after considering it for 5 years (currently reloading on two friends machines and that is getting old fast).
Mechanical engineer here. Heaven to me is manufacturing because I Love working with skilled trades, setup men, shop floor operators - everybody in the plant - to put Lean Mfg to work to GROW OUR BUSINESS. Problem right now is I'm stuck in an electric utility doing paperwork, BUT that job got us back where the kids and GRANDKIDS are. If you are in Mfg in Texas, need someone who has a few decades of experience and works as hard as he did at 30, and is absolutely energized by putting the shop or factory's collectible wisdom to work to make the shop/factory SING AND GROW, PM ME.