Hey I'd be willing to trade my new P10C for this new 650 reloading setup! You could just have everything shipped my way instead. Save everyone some money on shipping
What a deal ! But golly dang, look what showed up...

And of course, just in case I needed some 'pointers', one of these...

First thing I had to do was undo the 550. You can see that with the powder measure in place I couldn't get into the cabinet anyway...

So here's the 650 being installed on the other end of the bench. The bullet tray and the roller handle came off the 550 and got transferred over. This beast is REALLY tall...

And here it is all installed, with the Ponsness-Warren on the left (which thankfully clears the cabinet doors) and the 650 on the right...

I got the 9mm dies all set up in the new tool head and went ahead and, alternating between excitement overload and
shear terror, loaded 50 rounds. The case feeder quietly cuts out the case handling motions and the spent primer handling is very effective.
I'm stumbling over timing the first and last cartridge case with the primer supply. Consequently, I had 2 cases come through with powder but no primer. I was also forced to refill the primer supply tube twice with unused primers from the "ski jump". But these things will get worked out.
The press is very smooth, and I didn't experience any powder jumping out, but of course I was running at one-quarter speed. The machine is quite complex (you'd have to be insane to buy one of these as your first reloading press), and I'm still having to watch several things on each stroke, but we're learning and happy with the purchase.