Author Topic: Have I become that crotchety old guy?  (Read 3798 times)

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Offline skippyaz

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2016, 06:43:57 PM »
You were not out of line at all.  In fact, you may have interrupted something heinous.  Since the kids were still in the area, you could have called 911 with no worries.  Even if it turned out to be nothing (which would be determined by LE), it would probably be enough to warrant a few extra patrols in the neighborhood.

Offline armoredman

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2016, 08:50:14 PM »
In my line of work I have to confront evil people all day long. However, I wouoldn't do it QUITE that way. I am NOT criticising you, because it obviously worked, however, the potential for bad things was there,
Prosecuting Attorney : "Mr. New, why did you feel neccesary to step out of your house with a GUN, and demand information from my clients? Are you a law enforcment officer, or are you some crotchety old man wanna be? Did you not know that your 'scary beard voice' might lead to confrontation on your own lawn, and weren't you indeed, egging them on, trying to provoke a fight, so you could be the hero in the news, is that not the real story Mr New? Were you not deliberately proviking my clients into a fight where you had a hidden GUN, and could slake your BLOOD LUST, isn't that true?!?"

For the record, I have VERY little use for most lawyers. However, I deal with thier mistakes all day every day, and they will use tactics like this, to make you out to be the bad guy in front of the jury. Again, everything worked out in your favor, and I'd be happy as all get out to have you for a nieghbor. I just wanted to point out the legal pitfalls that can open up.

As it went, all's well that ends well, and this one ended well. Please be safe - we want our members to enjoy that New Year!

Offline newtoczs

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2016, 11:03:04 PM »
In my line of work I have to confront evil people all day long. However, I wouoldn't do it QUITE that way. I am NOT criticising you, because it obviously worked, however, the potential for bad things was there,
Prosecuting Attorney : "Mr. New, why did you feel neccesary to step out of your house with a GUN, and demand information from my clients? Are you a law enforcment officer, or are you some crotchety old man wanna be? Did you not know that your 'scary beard voice' might lead to confrontation on your own lawn, and weren't you indeed, egging them on, trying to provoke a fight, so you could be the hero in the news, is that not the real story Mr New? Were you not deliberately proviking my clients into a fight where you had a hidden GUN, and could slake your BLOOD LUST, isn't that true?!?"

For the record, I have VERY little use for most lawyers. However, I deal with thier mistakes all day every day, and they will use tactics like this, to make you out to be the bad guy in front of the jury. Again, everything worked out in your favor, and I'd be happy as all get out to have you for a nieghbor. I just wanted to point out the legal pitfalls that can open up.

As it went, all's well that ends well, and this one ended well. Please be safe - we want our members to enjoy that New Year!

I will preface this by saying that had I known there were two individuals in the driveway, I would have dialed 911 immediately. The way our houses are arranged, I did not know they were there until I basically walked up on them. HUGE learning experience.

As far as the attoney, I thought the same thing.... believe me, I did.  Luckily,  I live in a state/county where no DA would bring charges against someone in my circumstances, had something bad happened  and there's case law to back that up.  I am a CPL holder and it can be argued that I am always armed,  regardless of the circumstances, as long as the law of my state allows it.  As for the civil aspect of it,  there's a reason that I carry a large personal liability insurance policy (if you don't have one, look into it. It is the best $20 per month you will ever spend. That's free bearded guy insurance advice, lol.)

But, more than any thing, I've taken away some fantastic advice from the members of this forum (as always). It's interesting to hear how others would have handled a similar situation. I'm glad to have been able to start an interesting debate.   

Offline armoredman

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2016, 01:14:10 PM »
We are always interested in having a good friendly debate, amigo, always. :) Glad you joined! On the other hand...I miss my beard - work said we had to shave them off.

Offline ZardozCZ

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2016, 03:02:05 PM »
I'm a crotchety old guy, I own it. I'd have FIRST called 911 on them and let them know I'm lawfully armed and will stand outside to keep an eye on the perps, so don?t suspect the white haired guy, look where's he's pointing. No I wouldn't stay on the line, my hands would be full of flashlight and iron.

In my area, the police PREFER our using 911 as it's the best way to get the proper response to the situation as fast as possible. The non-ermergency line might be answered by someone not near the radio to dispatch help, might bungle the message. The 911 folks are trained and have all the right tools at hand.

You still did right, but confrontation might not have been the wisest without having first called for backup.

Just my pennies worth.
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Offline Wobbly

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2016, 08:42:22 AM »
No. A crotchety old guy would have knifed one of their tires in the sidewall to make sure they got an opportunity to tell their story to the cops !!    ;D

The one time I answered that type call, new neighbors were moving in, but not living in the home yet. A pickup backed up to their front door at dark-thirty and 2 characters were moving around on the front porch and already had the front door open. I walked over in black with my AR with 30 round mag and phone. Then, I stood in the shadows long enough to understand what was going on. It turned out to be the new owners (who both worked during the day) trying to get some last minute items moved in.

I put the AR against a tree in the dark and walked into the light to help them. Turned out one of the items was a mattress and box springs which they had no way to move by themselves. They never knew I came armed, only about the helping part.

You never know.
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Offline hemiram

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2017, 05:29:34 AM »
I've never heard the term "Ding dong ditch" before. Weird how the same thing has different names in different parts of the country. We always called it, "The door bell game".

Offline steveoreno

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2017, 01:06:08 PM »
I would like you as a neighbor!  I will be turning 60 in a few weeks and wouldn't be quite so direct but I think you did well.  I probably would've had a cellphone handy along with the light and handgun and observed them while waiting for the leo's.

Offline katonahjohn2

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2017, 08:54:45 PM »
I live in a nice, quiet bedroom community an hour north of Detroit.  If I would see something suspicious like that I would be on the phone to the police in a heartbeat.  Then sitting on the front porch with a bright flashlight handy (but not on) cause the cops will be there in under two or three minutes.

Offline tattooo

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2017, 09:00:54 PM »
You did the right thing as a good neighbor

Offline Redcat94

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2017, 09:28:44 AM »
I think you did well OP. Have you discussed what happened with your neighbors ?
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Offline Beak Boater

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2017, 11:42:55 AM »
You Crotchety, mean spirited, bully, no good trouble maker should have minded your own business. LOL
You done good....would welcome you to my neighborhood anytime!!!
As far as the post above about the court conversation. Anytime you extend yourself to help someone you run the risk of being victimized or sued. Its just the way our country has gone.
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