So after shooting uspsa for a little bit now I decided that I wanted to make the with from my M&P to a P09. My reason for doing this mainly was that I wanted to get back to production and I just didn't like the M&P trigger enough with the factory shoe. I have pro 5in with the apex flat and some other goodies and its great but slightly unreliable and put me in limited minor. So I picked up a p09 so I could jump back into production where 9mm is not a handicap.
I picked up a used FDE p09 for 480 which I thought was a fair deal. Not great but fair. I shot it once and like many others realized the trigger needed some work and I just don't shoot any non FO sights as well as FO so that switch had to be made. I called up CJW and he got me in the right direction. I went with the pro kit, stainless guide rod and a pair of Dawson sights and off to work I went.
The kit came in before the sights so I started there. The kit went in pretty easy and while I had everything apart I polished everything as per the thread CJW has here. Like many on here I can't say enough about the CJW parts they are kinda pricey but worth the money especially for any competition use. the trigger was 4.5 in SA and didn't even read on my wheeler scale in DA so definelty over 10. Now its sitting at 2.5 SA and 7.5 DA on the wheeler scale. Im running the 18lb hammer spring and yellow sear spring. Im very happy with the results although Id like to see about getting the DA a little lower.
When I opened the Stainless CJW I Realized it looked exactly like the tungsten one in my M&P. sure enough side by side the length is identical to the 5in pro m&P guide rod. since the tungsten rod is much heavier I decided to give that a shot. I also used the recoil spring from my M&P's I have multiple but decided to start right at the bottom with the 11lb. Fit was perfect and it gave the gun some nice weight up front. My slide would not go home when I inserted a mag which I loved in my M&P because I'm left. I decided to take the slide lock out and give it a good polish and easy the corners just a little bit. I went from being able to do it with 10 rounds in the mag 0% of the time to about 70% I'm going to give it some time and see if it wears in on its own if not Ill take a little more off the slide lock to get it to drop more reliable. Being a lefty this is a pretty big time saver when you're on the clock.
Next up was the sights I went with dawson .155x.100 fronts and .205x.140 rear. I went this route vs the ones on the CJW site because I wanted a slightly larger rear notch. Im also very happy with the sights. This is my first set of dawsons and I see why they are so popular. The stock front and rear sight were super tight and I completely destroyed the front getting it off.
The P09 has some pretty good texture already but Im a huge fan like many others of the skate tape. I think Talon is over priced so I usually just cut my own I did pretty much the whole grip as well as a few strips on the back strap and this gun feels like home now in my hand. I previously thought the M&P had the best ergos but ill take the CZ any day now. I really like how its nice and flat on the sides but has a nice palm swell with the large back strap in the back.
Since you can't compete without a holster that project was next. I made a comp holster mimicking my Double Alpha and used the same hardware so I could mount it to my belt. This was only my second one and I thin it came out pretty good.
I was able to get out and shoot about 150 rounds though it yesterday and so far I'm happy. It ate everything with no issues Including 50 TULA and the recoil with the 11lb spring is very light. accuracy seemed good although I may need to knock the rear sight just a bit as I seemed to be a little right. I just made a quick trip out to the dessert since I only had a little bit of time and I forgot to bring a target to I rigged something up with a little paper and sharpie. It was pretty ghetto so I'm going to wait until I have a proper target before I make changes.
Im looking forward to the first match but I have a couple weeks until then. Im thinking I may get a lighter hammer spring and see if I can get the DA pull better and still light off factory ammo. I think after some time ill end up liking these over my M&P's but only time will tell. after the gun CJW parts, sights, mags and holster material I'm into the gun about 875 which isn't really cheap but now to bad either. I intend to get either a shadow or stock 2 pretty soon so this will be a perfect backup gun.
The first time I shot the gun I found that the rough bottom of the decocoker was jamming into my hand when I shot the gun making it pretty unpleasant. I took my dremel with a felt polishing wheel and went over both bottom side of the decocekr and it made a huge difference. I did take off some material but more than anything I got it super smooth and after shooting it the second time I didn't notice it at all.
I also chopped the lanyard loop off to make sure it didn't get in the way of reloads and Beveled and smoothed out the magwell which I found helps quite a bit getting the mags in smoothly for a faster reload.
Just thought Id share my experience so far ill be sure to try to keep the thread updated if anyone cares.