Welcome Aboard !!Rest assured your rounds are safe; so "safe" they may not operate your pistol.
While nothing is "wrong", here are some tips that will
improve what you're doing....
? Some 115gr bullets shoot great, but for the most part 124gr will shoot even better in the SP-01. PM me your address and I'll send you some 124gr to try.
? Stick with the RN for now. You'll have no feeding issues from RN. You'll also have fewer reloading issues due to the ogive shape.
? Get the OAL out in the 1.140" to 1.125" range. You'll stay out of trouble from seating too deeply and powder compression issues (not that W231 has any issues being compressed). And it will hopefully improve feeding.
? Here at the beginning, don't make 100 of anything or you may spend the afternoon with a kinetic hammer "unloading" them. I know it's exciting, but you need to throttle back your enthusiasm for awhile longer. Right now, 10 is the most you want to make of any single load.
? Really it's more like 6-8 rounds at each load level so we can find what load makes you gun accurate. If I were doing this it would be 6 rounds at 4.7gr, 6 at 4.9gr, 6 at 5.1gr, 6 at 5.3gr.... This is called a "ladder", "working up a load", or "incremental loads". Then you go to a range where you can rest your wrists on a sand bag or some sort of solid support and
slow fire a new target for each load, starting at the lowest load. And move those targets out to 30 feet. That will give you physical evidence of what your gun likes.
THEN, you can load 100 rounds knowing that's the best !!? So say for instance that 4.9gr seems to be the bomb for your gun/pistol/powder combo. Then you may wish to go back and slow fire on 3 new targets at 4.8gr, 4.9gr, and 5.0gr. So the first increments were "coarse" load tuning to get in the neighborhood, and the second "fine tuning".
? You'll
REALLY want to write all this down in a
lab notebook so that 5 years from now you can replicate the load for a buddy, or share here online. The way I do this is to have a page dedicated to each bullet. So the top of my page would read "115gr RN Xtreme", then directly under that the physical dimensions, and all the data from the OAL testing. Finally a line or 2 dedicated to the results of the ladders pin pointing which load did best. Don't forget the date! If you load multiple calibers, you'll want a book for each. Believe me there must be 150 bullets worth shooting in 9mm !!
? Finally, if the "best load" is too light to allow the slide to operate, then you
may need to lighten the recoil springs. This will further tune the gun to the loads so that they work together. You'll want to bookmark the web page for
Wolff Springs.
There's more, I just gotta make coffee right now.
Enjoy !