^^ Yea, what those guys said !! ^^

It's like we all know how to tie shoes. But sub-conscientiously we also take into account if the laces are extra long, made of a slick material that might not hold a bow, or if they're on a pair of hiking/ running shoes where it would be highly inconvenient for them to come untied. So the way we tie the shoes is modified by type shoe, environment they are used in, and lace material. And of course, we had to trip and stumble
for years to learn all this.
The object of reloading is not to trip and stumble your way to success, but to start out thinking about the "gottchas" from the beginning so it becomes ingrained and "second nature". And just like the shoe laces, we move from one fact to another, building a solid reason for all the moves we make. It's the only way to stay safe.
The thread you are looking for on bullet lengths is
This One. Copy and paste the first message into a word processor.
Then print it out and slip it into your reloading notebook.