hi USMO, and guy's,
I hope joe chimes in here or maybe David S, as well, anyways, after reading your posts.. it seems some information is missing.. namely.. what yardage was snake? what kind of pattern/accuracy do you have w/ your gun on paper at same range? and probably, even most importantly.. REMEMBER.. not all ammo shoots to POA!,,, you need real practice w/ one or two proven brands.. that shoot to POA at anywhere b/t 3-9yds.. lighter/heavier bullets WILL MAKE a DRAMATIC POA, POI changes even at those short ranges. Thus, I would never changes sights based on a 'miss', PLUS the ADRENALINE factor... very tough to 'blame' sights here based on this information.
submitted respectfully, Joe/David/ others? please chime in and help us all.. from those of you who shoot WAY more than the rest of us earthly commoners..
K in MI