You have a tough decision at hand. Regarding accuracy, the P-07 is a compact so it has a shorter sight radius. A shorter radius means that any error you induce in the sight picture will be a bit greater at the target than a larger pistol with a longer sight radius. That being said, your comfort with the P-07 and the confidence that you have as a result can completely make up for that "disadvantage". My wife and I shoot our compact DA/SA pistol as accurately, or better than, our full size pistols.
I'd buy the pistol for the use that you KNOW you have and use it for everything. When you prove to yourself that you will be active in another activity that could warrant another pistol, e.g. IPSC competition, then go purchase a pistol for it IF you think you need to. FWIW I have found, after trying many different types of pistols searching for the one that will make me more accurate, the most important part of the equation is ME. A great shooter (excellent technique) will shoot a mediocre pistol extremely well. A mediocre shooter will shoot the best pistol in the world - mediocrely.
I have found that dry fire practice (15 minutes every other day) has made me MUCH more accurate in live fire. And I am only shooting two nearly identical DA/SA CZs. No more switching and trying striker fire, etc..
You may find that you get the P-07, use it all the time and get so good with it that you do not need more. Want is a different thing, however. Whatever you get, stick with it, master it and become as good as you possibly can with it.