So what was your load, and do you have chrono ?
Hodgdon gives this data...
700-X .356" 1.150" 3.7gr 894fps 24,700 PSI Starting
4.2gr 1,068fps 33,400 PSI Max Load
So this stuff is right in the range with W231. A load of 4.1 or 4.2gr might make a really good plinking load, if it meters well. I'll bet you're still short of 1068fps at 4.2gr. Or, you can drop back to 4.1gr as Max Load and run an OAL of 1.140".

This time around I used the load data from Hodgdon for the 125 gr LCN:
C.O.L. 1.125
3.1 grs
In the past I have also used the 125 Gr SIE FMJ data from Hodgdon. When I ran the max load and used some Winchester magnum pistol primers I had 2 or 3 split cases. Went back to normal small pistol primers (S&B, Winchester, CCI) and never had a split case again.
C.O.L. 1.090
starting: 3.0 grs
max: 3.6 grs
I've spurred conversations in threads here before about the confusion created on Berry's site regarding lead vs FMJ load data. In my experience the lead data usually is underpowered for Berry's and the bottom of the charge windows don't create a good pressure seal. That being said it is a safe place to start a work up.
I have another 150 rounds loaded that I need to shoot through, but I will adjust my C.O.L. and try the load data from Hodgedon for 124 GR BERB HBRN TP for ya. I have used it in the past and had no issues, but you all had yet to of tutored me and I didn't know as much about the things to look for.
The more I post on this sub-forum the more I am convinced I need a chrono, as I do not have one right now. Hopefully tax season will be good to my household, as the birth of a baby was an expensive undertaking this last fall and fun money is limited (let alone all the diapers and what not!).
Metering... I hear some people hate 700-X for metering. I have the Hornady case activated powder drop. Sometimes there's the crunch of a flake. It's about 1 in 40 in +-1 0.1 gr from my target. Since I rarely run max this hasn't been an issue. It doesn't meter as nicely as BE-86 or HP-38, but it hasn't been terrible in my experience.