If you look at the design closely, the decocker should potentially have a better trigger than the safety versions. The reason I think this is the case is twofold. First, the decocker has the sear pin run through the frame which, while making it a total PITA to disassemble, ties the sear cage to the frame eliminating sear cage movement. Second, the hammer only uses a single side hook in SA mode which could improve the feel of the SA trigger pull by reducing the friction surface between the hammer and sear.
One of the early pre-B CZs I have has a lot of sear cage play in it and no matter how much I tune the trigger, it will always have just a bit of wonkiness to it when the sear cage moves at the beginning of the trigger pull. If it were pinned through the frame like on my P01 and 40P, there would be zero movement of the cage and the trigger pull would only impact the parts that it's supposed to impact.
Back on topic: I don't know how many of the OD P01s were made, but the one I bought seemed to languish in the LGS counter for a while before I bought it. I think they had a second one as well.