Depends on your location, really. Doing that in a major city, that would go over like flatulence in church, no matter how legal it might be. Even in Phoenix or Flagstaff someone would likely be calling someone, "Umm, this is going to sound weird, but there's some guy walking around with some kind of machine gun on him!" I knew a guy years ago in Tucson that would "mess with the cops" by driving his little Honda scooter, (with flame paint job, not kidding), with an AK slung over his back. He got pulled over a lot, and while they couldn't do anything to him, they would get very irritated with him. Don't poke the bear.
Out in the woods farting around, or small game hunting, meh. One thing this TYPE of pistol might be good for is a very narrow window - bow hunter in AZ can carry pistols for self defense while hunting. It IS a pistol...technically, and in some of our hunting areas, I might be looking for something with a little more than the average snubbie. Pain to carry unless you work on it, but could be done. That would also apply to the BREN pistol and the carious other "pistols" of an AK or AR flavor.
I wouldn't mind seeing our Tactical Support Units adopting it as an SBR...very handy in tight confines.