Author Topic: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models  (Read 32787 times)

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Offline copemech

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2017, 12:47:37 AM »
Cut my rod down and have about 10 pieces left as spares.

This sounds painful! But I could use a couple.  Still got'um? O0

Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2017, 01:23:02 AM »
Cut my rod down and have about 10 pieces left as spares.

This sounds painful! But I could use a couple.  Still got'um? O0
Sure do! PM me where you want them sent and how many you need.

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Offline zeroryde

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2017, 10:49:56 PM »
So after seeing that slvrdragon did it to his S2 and had improvement, I decided to just try it since it was a cheap mod. I didn't really notice anymore SA creep ever since I put in the CGW race hammer and adj sear but I went the Scarlett route and ordered the rod off Amazon. After about an hour of fitting and grinding with my Dremel and then doing a little bit more polishing... Im not sure I felt a difference as I never saw my safety or felt my safety move when I was pulling it in DA. It felt nice.... But.... I went to test the pull out of curiosity since I was still getting 6.75 - 7 lb DA pulls and 2.75 lb SA. Well... After this mod... My trigger pulls are 5.9-6lbs in DA and 2.10-2.25 in SA.... I have no idea how it did it but jeeeeebus... It's awesome. Thanks!!

Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2017, 11:54:20 PM »
So after seeing that slvrdragon did it to his S2 and had improvement, I decided to just try it since it was a cheap mod. I didn't really notice anymore SA creep ever since I put in the CGW race hammer and adj sear but I went the Scarlett route and ordered the rod off Amazon. After about an hour of fitting and grinding with my Dremel and then doing a little bit more polishing... Im not sure I felt a difference as I never saw my safety or felt my safety move when I was pulling it in DA. It felt nice.... But.... I went to test the pull out of curiosity since I was still getting 6.75 - 7 lb DA pulls and 2.75 lb SA. Well... After this mod... My trigger pulls are 5.9-6lbs in DA and 2.10-2.25 in SA.... I have no idea how it did it but jeeeeebus... It's awesome. Thanks!!

Well good sir, you are the first to report an improvement in trigger pull weight. Some CZ's have a super good fit and some are a little looser. Very few are sloppy... but even a tight fit pistols like yours still saw gains in an unexpected way. This is pretty cool!
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Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2017, 03:46:07 PM »
I was curious is my trigger pull weight changed on the two pistols I did this to a whole back.

My SP-01 Compact SAO with the CGW Race Hammer was about 2lbs 12 ounces when I last tested it. Last night it's average over 10 pulls was 1 lb 15 ounces!! I've loved shooting it since the mod, but didn't realize it had lowered the pull weight. It's incredible! Truly, it is the 1911 killer!

My SP-01 had dropped little less. Down to about 2 lbs 4 ounces. Amazing!
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Offline copemech

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2017, 12:22:30 AM »
For whatever reasosn my sp01 shadow does not seem to move, and has a good 2.5 lb trigger with polish and springs, yet my stainless is the one that moves, trigger sometimes seem inconsistent and has a higher pull at about 3.5.

Ironically, the stainless is the one with racehammer too! The Shadow hammer IS  stock with a bit of custom work.

Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2017, 12:32:31 AM »
For whatever reasosn my sp01 shadow does not seem to move, and has a good 2.5 lb trigger with polish and springs, yet my stainless is the one that moves, trigger sometimes seem inconsistent and has a higher pull at about 3.5.

Ironically, the stainless is the one with racehammer too! The Shadow hammer IS  stock with a bit of custom work.

I have a theory after seeing my lose sear and the Race Hammer. I think the exceptional tolerances and geometry of the Race Hammer  might exaggerate those loser sear cages. I don't  know the genius behind the little nuances but I definitely notice it has a very crisp break and a little heavier pull than the CZC Competition Hammer. And while I may be way off, my pistol with the Race Hammer saw a significant change with this mod. By no means am I bagging the Race Hammer, these are just observations with a small sample size. I'm sure Scott or David would just love to hear from me again lol.

Let us now how yours turns out. I'm curious enough I would have sent your rods priority just so I could satisfy my curiosity sooner. 
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Offline copemech

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2017, 12:14:33 AM »
For whatever reasosn my sp01 shadow does not seem to move, and has a good 2.5 lb trigger with polish and springs, yet my stainless is the one that moves, trigger sometimes seem inconsistent and has a higher pull at about 3.5.

Ironically, the stainless is the one with racehammer too! The Shadow hammer IS  stock with a bit of custom work.

I have a theory after seeing my lose sear and the Race Hammer. I think the exceptional tolerances and geometry of the Race Hammer  might exaggerate those loser sear cages. I don't  know the genius behind the little nuances but I definitely notice it has a very crisp break and a little heavier pull than the CZC Competition Hammer. And while I may be way off, my pistol with the Race Hammer saw a significant change with this mod. By no means am I bagging the Race Hammer, these are just observations with a small sample size. I'm sure Scott or David would just love to hear from me again lol.

Let us now how yours turns out. I'm curious enough I would have sent your rods priority just so I could satisfy my curiosity sooner.

I do plan to start with the Stainless as the Shadow is working really well it seems and it is secondary. Yet I will tell you now not to get in a big hurry as I am not sure when I can sit down and concentrate on fitting the rod. I need to review the process again as well.

I hope it helps a bit on weight, but primarily better consistency.

Offline sniperboy

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2017, 05:30:29 PM »
My experience mimics Scarlett Pistol's.  Seems like the race hammer (in my particular pistol) may have increased my DA pull compared to OEM after lots of musical chairs replacing one component at a time to isolate the parts, but the more I shoot it the DA is dropping so that is good.  In the final thesis, I will trade a little more DA for a crisper and lighter SA break.  No brainer.  Glad to be able to put that beast to rest.

I did complete this mod last night and I am terribly jealous of the improvements you guys are seeing.  Mine was minuscule, but I still enjoyed the exercise, in a masochistic kind of way : )
Still have a bit of creep that is not noticable, but the mod removed a hair of what very little creep was left in SA.  I believe it also squeezed out the very last bit of hammer camming that was left.  DA pull was unchanged but SA reduced by 3 oz.

The mod does take a lot of time, a big part for me was trying to find the dang pin when it rolled off my bench.. twice.  I have a nicely swept garage now : ).  Overall it was good practice and got to know my pistol even more.

Thank you for your help & generosity Scarlett Pistol. 

Offline copemech

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #39 on: June 25, 2017, 01:53:00 AM »
Ok, so I did manage to do the pin mod on my stainless earlier tonight and the results are in. This gun is fully cajunized with race hammer and blue 13#? mainspring for running any primer.

The before and after on the SA trigger is 3.2 vs 3.0. The sear cage is stable and does not move, with consistency being really good it seems.

I did not ck DA prior to pin, but currently at 7.75 with that mainspring.  Not bad at all.

Things are whart they are and this is a great gun, but my Shadow is better with a 2.5 SA and 6.0 DA, although using the 11.5 mainspring.

Thanks again to Scarlett for the pins, and if any others just must do this, I am going to throw out a couple of suggestions to make life easier.

Forget all that metric stuff and just cut your pins to .5 inch in length.

Grind or file the "flat " for fitting on half of it, or 1/4 in.

You will likely need to take about half the diameter off the top to leave a "D"  profile. Then stick it back in the corner hole at about 45 angle for fitting.

I used a small diamond cutting disc on the Dremel for cutting the rod and grinding the flat by hand. Worked like a champ. Did the flat grind freehand holding the short pin in fingers sideways against the disc and using eyeball calibration.  This type work is easy until you get friggin OLD, and I am getting there it seems!

My cage does not move and that is what matters.

Offline 1SOW

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2017, 07:28:06 PM »
Thanks Copemech,  very beneficial info for this old guy.  I haven't had a chance to get a round tuit,  but plan to do  so before long..

My Shadow is good as is,  but the "feel" on the pull and break needs to be improved; so I have fewer lame excuses. ::)

Offline MoRivera

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2018, 11:48:37 PM »
Just did this on my SP01 Shadow with some .086" pin stock I got on Amazon.  Works perfectly.  No more movement in the safeties as the hammer drops, no extra slop to the safety engage/disengage, no more slight creep to the SA trigger break.  Makes everything feel rock solid.

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2018, 04:06:35 PM »
So....a few things I have noticed about this improvement, and perhaps some caution:

No doubt, it takes away creep and 'roll' to the SA break, that little bit of hammer cocking on a competition hammer.  To those who have converted their CZ's to SAO, this is an absolute plus.  You can see why the Tac Sport models have those two little springs on the back of their sear, as it pretty much achieves the same as this and takes away any sear cage movement on a very light SA break.  It also takes away that movement in the manual safeties as the hammer falls....even the right side safety which is often pretty loose doesn't seem to move at all.

However, I have found that the 'stabilizing' pin also makes the DA break happen sooner.  A lot of us who have fit aftermarket disconnectors in their CZ's have found that at first the DA pulls all the way back then doesn't drop.  By filing down either the underside of the disco's wing or the top of the 'knee' it can alleviate that, but if we take off too much the DA breaks a bit earlier than we'd like, which...

   a) doesn't have as much hammer power since it falls before the hammer/spring is compressed as much as before, which can result in light strikes....and

   b) you have this 'post-slack' where the hammer falls and the trigger sort of slams back at the end under no resistance, resulting in some trigger-slap and discomfort.  The latter not being a huge deal if you're only firing DA for the first shot once every run or competition stage, but I find it not as steady throughout the pull, as your sight picture may jump right at the end because of the sudden lack of resistance.

That's that sort of fine balance that I've experienced trying to fit a disco just right, and the 'stabilizing pin' recreates that same early DA release by I guess not letting the sear cage move that little bit with the DA pull, then causing the trigger bar to come off the disco earlier.  Again, great for the SA break, but the DA pull can feel a bit chopped off at the knees.

So I assume one could address this the same way as one does by fitting/filing the disco to tune, but it felt like I had to file more to make a difference than just fitting a disco without the stabilizing pin.  So I put the stabilizing pin in a SAO SP01 'longslide', which made the trigger feels like the one on a TSO, and then I took it out of my SP01 Shadow and went back to regular pin, since I liked the DA pull with a Pre-B disco and the SA break doesn't have too much creep/roll to bother me.  Yeah, the safeties move again on they hammer drop, but it hasn't bothered men yet when shooting in competition, so I don't think it will form here on.  The SAO Shadow 'longside', though, is amazing.

Offline anonymouscuban

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2019, 10:48:22 AM »
Hey all. What are you guys using to notch the new pin out to accommodate the sear cage?

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Offline sniperboy

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Re: Loose Sear Cage Fix - CZ 75 Variant Safety Models
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2019, 07:14:34 PM »
You can use a vise to lock the pin in place and use a file to flatten one side of the pin. 
I like to keep the bearing surface flat and I touch it up by rounding the bottom with a dremel tool.
Good luck.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 07:30:24 PM by sniperboy »