Well, since this is a short rant thread, I'll mention mine.
My pet peeve is people who are too cheap to buy a loading manual, or multiple loading manuals, but feel perfectly comfortable jumping on a forum, any forum, and ask a bunch of anonymous strangers, using aliases, "what's a good load for my gun using "X bullet" and "Y powder"?
The other half is those who own legitimate reloading manuals, but are too lazy to open them and/or work up a load on their own. They expect someone else, again a faceless, anonymous stranger, to do all the work for them.
When I'm setting off high pressure vessels at the end of my arm with a handgun, or next to my face in a rifle, the last thing I'm going to trust is data posted by someone I've never met, will never meet, and I don't have a clue who they actually are. Who knows, the guy posting the data may be the same guy who thinks it's funny to remove the ROAD CLOSED sign just down the road from the washed out bridge......
There, now I feel better, too.