Author Topic: Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?  (Read 4956 times)

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Offline Dcamp85

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Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:34:56 PM »
Joined this forum because I googled for days for opinions on this and it was lacking. I'm not concerned about the price to change the recoil spring since worse case scenario I am spending $25 a year in replacements. I am more concerned about the peace of mind knowing that I don't have to keep track of round counts. I did see a post where someone suggested keeping a fresh spring for carry and a used one for range until it dies and that's what I am probably going to end up doing, I just wanted to see other's thoughts on this. Am I overreacting? Is this a justified concern and should the design have been done better?  Let me know.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 04:06:23 PM by Dcamp85 »

Offline Ruber

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Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 01:17:45 PM »
Lots to think about in this.  I only change springs when I notice a lack in performance.  The brass flies way across the range long before the gun is unreliable.  That may be 400 rounds of full power 40 S&W SD loads, or 2,000 rounds of 9mm practice loads.  I'm not sure where you are in there.

It's a specialized gun, as you said, the price is not the concern.   If there is a concern about reliability because of the spring, before it is launching brass to the skies, it might be worth having CGW or customer service giving it a once over.

My personal views:

I don't change springs between practice and carry.  I want it to shoot in real life the way it shoots in practice.  Of course, it should be reliable, and I replace the springs when it is no longer enjoyable to practice (i.e., when brass is bouncing off my head... ;) ).

I do not think of it as a design flaw, more of a compromise.  The springs are 'under-built' and wear 'prematurely'.  But in doing so, you get a smaller size and less weight.  Look up the development of the Sig 225.  By RAMI standards, it's a pretty big gun, and only designed for 9mm, and they still had problems with recoil spring failure. I feel like I'm replacing springs in my AMT Backups every other time I go to the range.  So in my mind, the folks at CZ did a pretty good job.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 01:46:17 PM by Ruber »

Offline Tyerone

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Re: Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2017, 03:30:16 PM »
The RAMI is primarily a defense/carry pistol.  I felt that my recent purchase and shake out of problems (including a return to CZUSA) requiring 500+ rounds to develop confidence represented a lot of shooting in little time for such an arm.  Although I purchased an extra set of recoil springs, I don't think I am any where near wearing out the original set!  As mentioned, I will change out to the new springs eventually and make sure all is well with them and keep the originals for back-up.  I may never need another set of recoil springs for the RAMI -- time (and the brass flying) will tell!

I think your worries are over proportioned.  If you intend to shoot several thousand rounds per year for fun, you need another pistol(s) to complement the RAMI -- perhaps a full size CZ75B and one of them new fangled Compact SP01s!

Offline Dcamp85

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Re: Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2017, 03:45:26 PM »
I have an SP01 Tactical and yes a P01 will be in my future. I shoot my Rami not a ton but enough to where seeing the recommended round count of 500 would concern me especially since it sees carry time. Also I love shooting this thing just as much as my SP01 so they both see equal range time. Thank you both for informed replies, I can see this is leading down a road of me just over thinking things.

Offline leo61651

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Re: Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 03:46:49 PM »
I've owned a Rohrbaugh 9mm for many years and being one of or the smallest 9mm it falls into the same category with the regular low milage spring changes. Not a big deal and having a small CC 9mm is going to have some trade offs.
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Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Rami worth the continuous recoil spring replacement?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2017, 05:22:07 AM »
For $6 per spring and @ 500 rounds per outer spring, that's less than 1 cent per round. So, yeah, I'd say the Rami is worth it to have such a concealable, accurate pistol with large capacity. Consider the springs as consumables, like cleaning solvent and lube.

If you're smart, you keep a fresh spring in for EDC and use the old ones for practice until they wear out, toss it an replace with another $6 spring.