Is there a general FPS expectation with different barrel lengths?....would you add 10% for a 4 1/2" barrel expecting 1100? I have read older posts where you guys say the test guns are different than ours....but, do you guys factor different barrels in for expectations?
With any reasonable load in a pistol with a barrel of any reasonable pistol length, the bullet is still accelerating in the moment before it exits the barrel, so yes, when ALL ELSE IS EQUAL, a longer barrel will produce more velocity. The problem is that all else is almost never equal. Powder drifts a little over time, lot to lot, up and down, so it's reasonable to expect a difference over time EVEN WITH THE SAME LOAD IN THE SAME PISTOL. Different types of rifling and different twist rates in the same type of rifling will produce different velocities. Then there's the barrel's inner diameter. If one barrel is a hair narrower than another, that will decrease the rate of acceleration, but wait, if rate of acceleration is decreased, that causes the combustion chamber to expand at a slower rate, which increases pressure at a faster rate, which INCREASES the rate of acceleration, and MAY or may NOT result in a higher velocity by the time the bullet leaves the barrel. There are ALL sort of things that play into this. Pinning an anomaly down to just one thing is pretty difficult.
If I am at 1076 which is 39 fps above published max...I am okay because of the ability to run +P loads?
No. You're okay because the fact that your incremental velocity increase is still increasing with each incremental powder increase suggests you aren't running into trouble with pressure. +15, +17, +25 suggests that you're still in a good place.
Also, would I be better served to switch to WSF and work up to minor from a slower powder
Not for 9mm minor action shooting.