I have massaged a few CZ's now but I do not claim to be an expert like some. I have tried hard to study up on problems and solutions as these guns can be a bit jikky on timing issues and such due primarily to manufacturing variances. Getting my head around what is doing what and effecting the other has taken me a few beers, and then some.
My initial feelings were that this gun may give me a challenge because the SA and DA breakpoints were very close and very far back in the trigger pull with little overtravel. Well, sure enough, after installing the type 1 disco and cutting the hammer hooks, when the SA trigger broke the gun would fall to the disconnector and catch the hammer, thus requiring another pull to release the hammer in DA mode.
Ug, this sucks, it is the weekend, CGW is closed and David is not answering the phone, so put a few more beers down and waited until the next day. Yes I have an idea what needs to be done, I need to cut the lower edge of the wing on the disco so the DA is fully clear of the SA break and does not catch.
So as I initially measured the thickness of the wing on the CGW disco, it was like .113. After cutting the lower surface and fitting several times for function, it was .105, or reduced by eight thousandths.
The hammer arc is still good and slightly lower than the SA hooks now, which is as things should be, and I did not wreck the new disco having to buy a nother new one so it was a good day.
Another thing here, I have had this gun apart in fitting so many times now that I can do one in my sleep, in fact I still do!
So I called David on Tuesday and told him the story, asking if there was anything else I did wrong! He just laughed and said I must have done something right for a change!
Now that function test is good, I will try to take it out this weekend and run it in some.